Statue Just Wooden Play Along With Dog Who Really Wanted to Play Fetch

A playful springer spaniel was super keen to play fetch on a recent visit to a park in the British midlands, but definitely picked the wrong person to ask.

Poor Chester can be seen wagging his tail enthusiastically as he repeatedly drops a stick at the feet of a wooden statue in Buxton Country Park.

Chester’s owner, Debby Taylor, laughed as she watched her dog drop the stick, and gaze beseechingly at the statue. Eventually, Chester gave up.

Taylor posted this video of the scene to Facebook with the caption, “It was even funnier watching it.” She told Storyful that “Chester has always been obsessed with retrieval, whether a ball or a stick.”

Chester is not the only dog to fall for the statue’s realistic appearance. The park’s website says, “Our quarryman has already become a favourite with woodland users, especially dogs who drop balls and sticks to be thrown.” Credit: Debby Taylor via Storyful