'Spiritual Experience': Orcas Meters From Quadra Island Shore Delight Onlookers

A group of holidaymakers were amazed by an up-close experience with a group of orcas on the shores of Quadra Island in British Columbia on August 28.

Located between Vancouver Island and the mainland, Quadra Island is a common region for whale watching; however, this encounter took Erika van Sittert and her friends by surprise.

Van Sittert captured footage of the orcas swimming within meters of the shore, where her friend Callum Macnab was standing closest to the water.

She told Storyful that the group of friends had spent the day snorkeling when they saw a “family of four orcas in the distance”.

She said that “about 20 minutes later they surfaced very near to the shore where we were”, with the amazed reaction of the onlookers obvious in the footage.

“They seemed to be very curious of the guys down by the water,” van Sittert said.

Macnab spoke with the Times Colonist about the “spiritual experience”, saying he "couldn’t believe what was happening and how lucky we all were.” Credit: Erika van Sittert via Storyful

Video transcript

- Oh my God.

- Holy cow.

- Oh my God. Oh my God. This is Amazing. Oh my God. Oh my I've never seen something so amazing. Oh my God.

- [INAUDIBLE] , did you cut your pants just now? Oh my God. Holy cow.

- Oh my God. Oh my God. This is Amazing Oh my God. Oh my God. I've never seen something so amazing. Oh my God.

- Holy shit.

- [INAUDIBLE] , did you cut your pants just now?