Someone Made a Guide to the Couches from Your Favorite Sitcoms, and It's Epic

Whether you’re shopping for a new couch or very comfortable with your current cushions, you’re going to want to see these.

In some of the top sitcoms of the last few years, couches play a starring (okay, maybe supporting) role. They’re where the family gathers to hash out problems at school or familial conflicts; they’re where the group of friends drinks coffee and/or beer. For some shows, such as Friends, certain sofas are even symbolic of the shows themselves.

Certain nostalgic types might want to bring home a couch that looks similar to one from their favorite sitcom; others just looking for a little sofa shopping inspiration might want some more examples to look at. If you’re in either group, you’re in luck: The team at home improvement site HomeAdvisor put together A Visual Compendium of Sitcom Sofas, a graphic-filled guide to the famous sofas from some of the top sitcoms from the 1980s to now. Shows such as Seinfeld, Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Full House, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt are on the list, along with couches, chairs, and settees from twenty other popular TV shows.

RELATED: The Lovesac Sofa Is the Versatile Couch We’ve Been Waiting For

The team worked with illustrator Anastasia Wishniewski to create the guide, which depicts sitcom sofas of all different styles, colors, and eras. Even non–TV fans can enjoy the opportunity for a side-by-side comparison of so many sofa styles—if this doesn’t help you figure out your couch preferences, nothing will. The HomeAdvisor team went all-in on authenticity with this guide, so prepare to see some of the dents, stains, scratches, and tears that made these couches familiar (and realistic) during the years they appeared on TV. (Fortunately, cleaning a couch is much easier than some of these characters make it seem.)

If you’ve ever seen a sofa on TV and thought, “I need that,” now’s your chance to get a better look at what might be the couch of your dreams. Scroll through the graphic below (or see a larger version here or at HomeAdvisor) and enjoy taking in these starring sofas—this might finally be your chance to understand what made the sectional from New Girl or the couch from Big Bang Theory so great.

Graphic courtesy of HomeAdvisor