Sheila Majid has no plans to become reality show judge

18 Jul – Just like Anuar Zain, Sheila Majid has no plans to judge any singing competition anytime soon.

The jazz queen shared as much recently, saying that she is quite busy and would usually commit herself to performances on the weekends, when all of these reality shows would be recorded.

"I am not just working in Malaysia. I also have lots of concerts outside the country... so it wouldn't be good for me to join a panel of jury and then have to have another taking over from me due to my other commitments," she said.

Shiela stated that she can still share her experience and knowledge in the music industry without becoming a judge in a reality show.

"You can even learn from me via social media because I often share it in my posts," she added.

Sheila is married to musician and music director Acis
Sheila is married to musician and music director Acis

(Photo Source: Sheila Majid IG)