Seth Meyers Says It’s ‘Only a Matter of Time’ Before Trump Starts Speaking in 3rd Person, ‘Elmo Style’ | Video

Seth Meyers thinks it’s “only a matter of time” before Donald Trump starts talking about himself in the third person.

The late night host began his last “Closer Look” segment of 2023 by calling pre-politician Trump “a world-renowned loudmouth and flamboyant moron who had opinions on almost everything and would talk to almost anyone about those opinions.”

“New Yorkers were used to it. Before the Times Square Elmo, he was the scariest thing to run into on the street,” Meyers said.

“Also, it’s got to only be a matter of time before Trump starts going full third person, Elmo style,” Meyers added before launching into his impression of Trump as Elmo. “‘Trump thinks the media treats him very unfairly. When it comes to the press, Trump not tickled.'”

“Sesame Street” quips aside, the crux of the segment focused on the former president’s most recent controversy. After stating that undocumented immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump was criticized for echoing the rhetoric of Adolf Hitler. Trump has since said that he has never read “Mein Kampf,” Hitler’s autobiographical manifesto, but he has held steady on his initial comments. Though he has not repeated the exact phrase that drew criticism, Trump has since alluded to his past comments and said at a rally that undocumented immigrants were “destroying the blood of our country.”

Meyers noted that Trump has changed his opinions on “almost everything” since the 1990s, citing his shifts on issues such as abortion rights and gun control. “But the one thing he’s been consistent on his entire life is his support for dictators,” Meyers said.

Throughout the segment, Meyers highlighted a 1990s Playboy interview in which Trump praised the Chinese government’s brutal massacre of Tiananmen Square as well as a speech where Trump spoke about Vladimir Putin’s criticism of President Biden.

The post Seth Meyers Says It’s ‘Only a Matter of Time’ Before Trump Starts Speaking in 3rd Person, ‘Elmo Style’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap.