Seth Meyers Mocks GOP Turn on Trump: He’s ‘Gonna Fade Out of All of His Photos With Hannity Like Marty McFly’ (Video)

Seth Meyers is thoroughly enjoying the excuses that Republicans are coming up with for why they had such a poor showing in the midterm elections this year. And, as they get closer and closer to actually blaming twice impeached former president Donald Trump, Meyers expects him to experience the same kind of erasure as a certain beloved movie character.

During his “A Closer Look” segment on Thursday night, Meyers once again homed in on the fact that some Republicans — including Fox News host Sean Hannity and former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway — are now blaming the midterm results on the fact that many Republicans didn’t take advantage of mail-in voting, something Trump and his allies spent months calling a “corrupt” process. And Meyers couldn’t get past that irony.

“It’s so funny how they just have to pretend they can’t remember a single thing Donald Trump said over the last, like, six years,” Meyers mocked. “We’re at the point where they’re gonna start acting like they have no idea who Donald Trump is. He’s gonna fade out of all of his photos with Hannity like Marty McFly in ‘Back to the Future.'”

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Indeed, few Republicans have actually put the blame on Trump himself, despite the fact that most of the candidates he endorsed in the midterm elections lost their bid for office.

Conway, for example, largely called out the incumbent Republican senators, saying that all of them should have been in Georgia over the last few months to help out Herschel Walker, who lost to Democrat Raphael Warnock in a runoff election this week.

“Seriously, you wanted all of them? All 49 Republican senators to show up in Georgia. You think that would’ve made a difference?” Meyers mocked. “Can you imagine all these milquetoast dweebs on stage together? People can’t even tell them apart. It’d be like that scene from ‘Being John Malkovich’ where everyone is Malkovich. And then what? You trust Herschel Walker to remember all of their names?”

You can watch the full “A Closer Look” segment in the video above.