How to set up NVIDIA GeForce NOW on Steam Deck

 NVIDIA GeForce NOW on Steam Deck. .
NVIDIA GeForce NOW on Steam Deck. .

I don't even know how many hours I've spent playing on my Steam Deck since I got it, but it must be dozens of hours if not hundreds. One thing is for certain, while it's fun to use, Valve's handheld isn't anywhere near as powerful as a gaming PC or gaming laptop. That's why it's nice to have an NVIDIA GeForce NOW subscription, so you can play your games more smoothly on the gaming handheld.

Thanks to a recent change, it's now easier than before to access NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck. Here's how get the NVIDIA GeForce NOW download installed and set up on this device.


There are three different GeForce NOW membership tiers: Free, Priority, and Ultimate. The Free membership only gives you 1-hour play sessions. Meanwhile, Priority is $9.99 per month or $49.99 for six months and gives you access to six-hour sessions on a premium rig with up to 60 FPS and 1080 resolution. Finally, Ultimate is $19.99 per month or $99.99 per six months and gives you eight-hours gaming sessions on an RTX 4080 rig with up to 4K resolution and 240 FPS.

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How to install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck

NVIDIA GeForce Now image
NVIDIA GeForce Now image

This process is a lot easier if you have a keyboard and mouse connected to the Steam Deck. If you have the means to do that, take a moment to do so, then follow these instructions:

  1. Press the Steam button on the left side of the handheld.

Steam Deck Steam button.
Steam Deck Steam button.
  1. Select Power.

Google on Steam Deck: Power.
Google on Steam Deck: Power.
  1. In the menu that appears, select Switch to Desktop.

Google on Steam Deck: Switch to Desktop.
Google on Steam Deck: Switch to Desktop.
  1. Open whichever web browser you want (Mozilla Firefox is on the bottom tray by default). Note that R2 is left-click while L2 is right-click on Steam Deck.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Open a web browser.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Open a web browser.
  1. Press Steam + X to bring up the on-screen keyboard and type "GeForce Now download" into the search bar. Then press Enter to search.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Use search bar.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Use search bar.
  1. Click on the link that takes you to the official GeForce Now download page.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Click on GeForce Now link.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Click on GeForce Now link.
  1. Click Get Started on Steam Deck and then click Download to confirm you're on a Steam Deck.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Click Get Started on Steam Deck.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Click Get Started on Steam Deck.
  1. Next, minimize your web browser and click on the blue folder on the bottom tray to open your Dolphin file browser.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Open Dolphin File Explorer
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Open Dolphin File Explorer
  1. Head to the Downloads tab and right-click (L2 on Steam Deck) on the file. Click Extract Extract archive here.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Extract files.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Extract files.
  1. When that extracting process finishes, double-click on GeForceNOW_Setup

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Open the setup file.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Open the setup file.
  1. Select Execute. 

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select Execute.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select Execute.
  1. Select Yes. The system will restart Steam Deck and add GeForce NOW.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select Yes.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select Yes.
  1. Select OK to continue.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select OK.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select OK.
  1. Next, press the Steam button Power Minimize Steam, and you'll find yourself back in normal Desktop mode.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Minimize Steam.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Minimize Steam.
  1. Close all open windows and then double-click on Return to Gaming Mode to get back to the normal Steam Deck handheld menu.

Google on Steam Deck: Return to Steam Deck.
Google on Steam Deck: Return to Steam Deck.
  1. To access GeForce NOW, press the Steam button.

Steam Deck Steam button.
Steam Deck Steam button.
  1. Go to Library.

Google on Steam Deck: Library.
Google on Steam Deck: Library.
  1. Use the R1 button to go to the Non-Steam tab.

Google on Steam Deck: Non-Steam tab.
Google on Steam Deck: Non-Steam tab.
  1. Finally, select NVIDIA GeForce NOW.

NVIDIA GeForce NOW on Steam Deck: Click icon.
NVIDIA GeForce NOW on Steam Deck: Click icon.
  1. Press Play to launch it.

NVIDIA GeForce NOW on Steam Deck: Select Play.
NVIDIA GeForce NOW on Steam Deck: Select Play.
  1. A long script will appear. Read it all and if you are okay with it, select Agree & Continue.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck:  Select agree and continue.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select agree and continue.
  1. Select Get in.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select Get In.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select Get In.
  1. Next, use your phone to scan the QR code that appears on the screen. If the QR code doesn't work, go to the NVIDIA GeForce NOW pin page on your phone or computer and enter the pin that is displayed on Steam Deck. Then press Submit.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Scan QR Code.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Scan QR Code.
  1. Click Continue Continue.

Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select Continue.
Install NVIDIA GeForce Now on Steam Deck: Select Continue.

Now, you're logged into NVIDIA GeForce NOW on Steam Deck. Enjoy gaming with this service!

Steam Deck NVIDIA GeForce NOW FAQ

Nightingale on Steam Deck.
Nightingale on Steam Deck.

What is NVIDIA GeForce NOW?

It's a subscription service from NVIDIA that allows users to play games they already own on various platforms (Steam, Epic Games Store, Ubisoft, etc.) but while playing on distant servers via the cloud. Users have access to more powerful servers with higher graphics if they pay for the higher membership tiers.

How much does NVIDIA GeForce NOW cost?

A Free membership is (you guessed it) free. A Priority membership costs $9.99 per month or $49.99 per six months. Meanwhile, Ultimate pricing is $19.99 per month or $99.99 per six months.

How many NVIDIA GeForce NOW subscription plans are there?

There are three different GeForce NOW membership tiers: Free, Priority, and Ultimate.

Free memberships only give you 1-hour play sessions and access to basic rigs.

Priority gives you access to six-hour sessions on a premium rig with up to 60 FPS and 1080 resolution. You also don't experience ads with this subscription.

Ultimate gives you eight-hours gaming sessions on an RTX 4080 rig with up to 4K resolution and 240 FPS. You won't have to deal with ads with this subscription, either.

Why would you use GeForce NOW?

GeForce NOW provides a way for people to play their games on a more powerful, remote server. For instance, if you own a simple laptop that isn't really capable of local gaming, you can use GeForce NOW to run your games on one of NVIDIA's powerful gaming rigs but still control the game from your simple laptop via an internet connection. Note that GeForce NOW must support a game in order for you to gain access to it through this service.

Does NVIDIA GeForce NOW increase FPS?

Yes. Depending on the specs of your current PC gaming setup, having a GeForce NOW subscription can help you run games at a higher FPS. The GeForce NOW Ultimate membership specifically unlocks up to 240 FPS, depending on the game being played, and other settings put in place.

Does NVIDIA GeForce NOW give me access to new games?

No. Unlike Xbox Game Pass, which gives subscribers access to a library of games, NVIDIA GeForce NOW specifically gives you access to your own games on various services but allows you to play them on NVIDIA's distant rigs via an internet connection. You do not gain access to any new games with GeForce NOW. That said, you will see all free-to-play games from various platforms (like Fortnite, Genshin Impact, Call of Duty, and more) within this service. If you also have an Xbox Game Pass subscription, though, you can now access PC Game Pass titles through Geforce Now.

Is NVIDIA GeForce NOW free?

Yes, there is a free tier for NVIDIA GeForce NOW. However, the free membership only allows users to play for up to an hour on a basic rig. If you want to play longer on a more powerful distant server, you'll want to pay for the Priority or Ultimate GeForce NOW subscription.

Can I use NVIDIA GeForce NOW on Steam Deck?

Yes! A recent change just made it a whole lot easier to access NVIDIA GeForce NOW on Steam Deck. You just have to download the file and install it on your gaming handheld. Then, you can launch GeForce NOW right from your Steam Deck library.

Enjoy your games in a new way

NVIDIA GeForce Now Ultimate membership
NVIDIA GeForce Now Ultimate membership

Now that NVIDIA GeForce NOW is easier to access on Steam Deck, you'll be able to play compatible games with better performance on Valve's gaming handheld. Remember, that you must already own a game on a compatible game service, and GeForce NOW must offer support for that game in order for you to take advantage of this playing option.

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Since GeForce NOW is so different from most other gaming services out there, it's ideal for pairing with these other subscriptions. For example, pairing Xbox Game Pass with GeForce NOW not only gives you a wide library of games but also lets you play them on a better rig than you might currently own.

As we all know, the Steam Deck is a fun gaming handheld, but it isn't very powerful. So, if you want to get the best playing experience out of Steam Deck, playing games via GeForce NOW can really help you out by boosting FPS, resolution, and more. You'll get the most perks from an Ultimate subscription, but GeForce NOW Priority is also a good option.


Play your library of games on a powerful NVIDIA rig. There are three plans available with the higher plans giving you access to better features and playing experiences.

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