SES officials suspected of $350K embezzlement in computer purchases – SBI

SES officials purchased computer equipment at inflated prices
SES officials purchased computer equipment at inflated prices

One of the State Emergency Service (SES) units head of department and his aides were served with a notice of suspicion of purchasing computer equipment at 30% above the market value, State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) reported on June 11.

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According to the SBI, in October 2022, SES unit announced a tender for purchase of 2,500 personal computers worth more than UAH 44 million. They made the purchase through an auction, for which only one company applied.

The agency adds that officials failed to find out market value of the computers and declared the winner to be the company that sold them at inflated prices. The experts confirmed that the purchase was unprofitable by more than UAH 14 million.

Read also: Dnipro City Council officials accused of embezzling $214,000 meant for territorial defense program

Law enforcement is also checking the involvement of other people in the case.

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