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Save up to 50% on outdoor gear and clothing at REI's End of the Year Clearance
Save hundreds with deals on clothing, footwear and other must-haves from Hoka, Patagonia, The North Face, Solo Stove and more.
The year may be winding down, but now is the perfect time to gear up. Literally. REI's End-of-Year Clearance is here, where you can save up to 50% on past-season clothes, footwear and other outdoor gear. Check off that winter gear wish list, snag some comfy walking shoes or upgrade your hiking and camping equipment for the new year — this sale has something for everybody. Save big on many top brands, including Hoka, Patagonia and Columbia, plus up to 40% off all REI Co-op clothing and gear. Don't wait — these deals won't last long, and neither will the inventory (some colors and sizes have already started to sell out).
Not an REI member yet? No worries. For just $30 — less than you’ll save on most of the items below — you can snag a lifetime membership.
Read more: Hiking, biking and s'more: These are the best gifts for outdoorsy people
Best REI End of the Year Clearance Deals
The Bondis are some of the most popular shoes on the market, and for good reason. Whether you're logging miles on your daily runs or just want comfortable kicks to walk around in, these are it.
There's nothing in the world that is as packable, lightweight and warm as down ... unless it gets wet. That's where synthetic jackets like this one come in. A bit of snow or light rain in the forecast? No problem. Throw on your hood and keep trekking.
When the snow and mercury is really falling, this Fjallraven Parka is the jacket I grab from my closet. With even just a T-shirt underneath it'll keep you cozy and dry, not to mention stylish, especially if you're going for that sardine-core, Scandinavian, Shackleton look.
I love sitting around the fire, no matter the season, but fire tables are heavy and expensive and dealing with propane tanks can be, well, a pain. This Solo Stove is big enough to give off heat (without any of the smoke), but small enough to turn any outdoor table into a fire table. At 30% off, it is a great deal from one of the hottest (pun intended) outdoor brands out there.
When it comes to outdoor gear, there are few brands as highly respected as Arc'teryx. This hoodie may be available in limited sizing, but it is too good a deal to not talk about. It's lightweight and breathable, so you can throw it on under a shell during windy or rainy outings or just wear it on its own on cool, crisp days and it'll keep you warm, even if you get wet, thanks to its synthetic insulation. It also comes with a lifetime warranty. The men's version is also on sale, though in more limited sizing.