Sabahans praise Pakatans's creative GE15 campaign billboards in Sepanggar

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KOTA KINABALU, Nov 13 — Since the momentum for the 15th general election (GE15) started a week ago, Sepanggar saw a line-up of party flags and candidates’ posters from various political parties set up.

Among them, Pakatan Harapan’s campaign in Sepanggar here may have gained a slight edge with its colourful and creative billboard strategy.

Designed more like an ad, the billboards placed along the notoriously congested stretch are creatively designed and have attracted some attention.

Nak.. mama mau betul Anwar jadi PM ke-10,” reads one billboard, spoofing the viral Siti Khadijah telekung advertisement.

Another was designed to look like a Panadol ad, “Headache from being stuck in Sepanggar’s traffic jams? - Vote Harapan for pain relief,” the advertisement read.

The opposition also took a dig at Sepanggar’s perpetual water woes and turned it into an ad. “No water in Sepanggar? PH has a solution”.

The billboards some of which were posted on Twitter and Facebook, have been garnering some laughs, and nods of agreement.

“This is how to campaign to attract the young crowd,” said one tweet.

“Good way to campaign, no need to attack others,” said another Facebook user.