Russia, China and S. Africa end war games

STORY: Joint naval exercises by Russian, Chinese and South African ships have come to an end, Russia's defense ministry said on Monday (February 27).

The Indian Ocean drills, code-named Mosi II, had raised alarm among Western diplomats and attracted some domestic criticism.

South Africa had said the war games, which began on February 17, were "routine".

According to Russia's defense ministry the training was based around forming a multinational naval task force in a designated area and joint tactical manoeuveres.

Firing at sea mines was simulated using dummy targets and the ships also took part in exercises on how to free people held hostage on a seized vessel.

China sent a guided missile destroyer, a frigate, and a comprehensive supply ship for the exercises. South Africa dispatched the SAS Mendi Frigate.

Russia was represented by the Admiral Gorshkov frigate and a fuel tanker.

The Admiral Gorskov carries the latest supersonic Zircon missiles though, as previously announced by the defense ministry, none were fired during the exercises.