RFK Jr seeks restraining order against home intruder

Presidential hopeful Robert F Kennedy Jr has reportedly filed for a restraining order against a man who was arrested twice in one evening, after turning up at his home and climbing a fence.

The lawyer and conspiracy theorist, who is running as an independent in 2024, filed for the court protection on Monday, though it is not certain whether it was signed off by a judge, according to TMZ.

Mr Kennedy has previously complained about the White House’s decision not to grant him official protection from the Secret Service in the run up to the election.

The reported restraining order comes after a man was detected and detained at Mr Kennedy’s residence on October 25. The man was arrested for a second time after immediately returning to the residence following his release.

According to Mr Kennedy’s campaign, security officials for Mr Kennedy had raised concerns about the individual “several times in recent months” following “alarming” communications he had sent.

Robert F Kennedy Jr is running as an independent presidential candidate in 2024 (AP)
Robert F Kennedy Jr is running as an independent presidential candidate in 2024 (AP)

“Protectors from Gavin de Becker & Associates (GDBA) detected and detained the intruder, who asked to see the candidate. The intruder was turned over to the LAPD,” a statement from the campaign, put out at the time of the incident, read.

“After being released from police custody, the man immediately returned to the Kennedy residence and was arrested again. The candidate was home at the time of both arrests.

“GDBA had notified the Secret Service about this specific obsessed individual several times in recent months and shared alarming communications he has sent to the candidate.”

Mr Kennedy has previously complained that he is “the first presidential candidate in history to whom the White House has denied a request for protection.”  At a campaign event in September month a heavily-armed man was arrested while posing as a member of his security detail.

The Secret Service website outlines who they are able to protect, which includes, “major presidential and vice presidential candidates, and their spouses within 120 days of a general presidential election”.

Representatives for the LAPD and Mr Kennedy’s campaign have been approached for comment.