Rep. Raskin Says ‘We Shouldn’t Take Delight’ in Hunter Biden’s ‘Misfortune’ as Trump Celebrates (Video)

Democratic U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin said folks shouldn’t be taking “delight” in people’s misfortunes following the indictment of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

“I don’t think people should applaud the system when it works for Hunter Biden, but then try to tear the system down when it works for Donald Trump,” Raskin said during a press interview. “I mean both of them have been indicted on various charges.

His words came after Donald Trump, who’s also been indicted, celebrated Hunter’s latest legal troubles. The 53-year-old son of the president was hit with his indictment on Thursday on three charges connected to his possession of a gun while using drugs. Months-long investigations into Hunter — an effort led by the GOP — are related to Hunter’s alleged foreign business dealings.

“The presumption of innocence operates for both of them,” Raskin continued. “Due process, rights operate for both of them. And we shouldn’t take delight in other people’s misfortunes, but we have to have a rule of law.”

House Republicans have started to push for an inquiry into the Biden family over claims related to Hunter Biden’s alleged foreign business dealings. Some of the allegations were stirred up by Donald Trump in 2019 and include claims related to when Biden was serving as then-President Barack Obama’s vice president. One of the claims insists that Biden pressured Ukraine to get rid of its top prosecutor in order to block an investigation into the gas and oil company Burisma — Hunter served as a board member for the company.

Trump shared his thoughts about Hunter’s troubles via the social media site Truth Social.

“This, the gun charge, is the only crime that Hunter Biden committed that does not implicate Crooked Joe Biden. One down, Eleven to go!” Trump wrote. “The Democrats, with all of their horrible, very unfair, and mostly illegal Witch Hunts, have started a process that is very dangerous for our Country. They have opened the proverbial Pandora’s Box, and it is possible that the USA will never be the same again. SO SAD!!!”

Trump’s reference to “eleven to go” appeared to be a reference to alleged crimes he claims both Hunter and Joe Biden are involved with, but the specific allegations he is referring to remain unclear.

Trump was slapped with 91 charges himself, which are connected with a slew of elected-related crimes. These include him allegedly tampering with the 2020 presidential election and his involvement in the riots that took place on at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

The post Rep. Raskin Says ‘We Shouldn’t Take Delight’ in Hunter Biden’s ‘Misfortune’ as Trump Celebrates (Video) appeared first on TheWrap.