Capricorn Season Is Here to Help You Tackle Your To-Do List

a planet in space
Your Capricorn Season Horoscope Is HereGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Time to get your shit together! After a long autumn, the winter solstice is finally here, and on December 21, the Sun moves into the cardinal earth sign, Capricorn. This year, Capricorn season lasts from December 21, 2023 to January 20, 2024. Over the upcoming weeks, you’re starting to take your life more seriously, you’re adopting more productive habits, and you’re working extra hard. Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are all benefiting the most from Capricorn season's astrology, while cardinal signs Aries, Libra, and Cancer are having a very busy month.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the serious planet of structure, and this paints the entire next month with a very stoic, matter-of-fact energy. Is it a fun vibe? No. But it’s a very necessary point in time where big projects are being turned in, final exams are being taken, and work is getting done. No matter your own zodiac sign, you’re able to logically look at what’s in front of you and pick a pragmatic way to work with what you have. This can be an extremely productive month, and the more work you get done, the more rewards you get once Capricorn season is over.

Saturn is the source of Capricorn’s greatest strengths, but it’s also the perpetrator of Capricorn’s shortcomings. Emotional intelligence just… isn’t a thing right now. Everyone’s extra logical and intellectual and practical right now, and there’s little to no room for frivolous things like feelings or daydreaming. No matter your own sign, you can get too focused on getting shit done to the point where you neglect friends, family, or lovers. The biggest lesson for everyone during Capricorn season (especially Capricorns!) is to find a way to balance out the work you do and the life you wish to lead.

When the Sun enters Capricorn, we all begin to take on the qualities of the sign of the goat. Think of a literal mountain goat: it jumps from rock to rock, with perfectly measured accuracy and a confidence that makes it look effortless, and before you know it, the goat has reached the top of the mountain! You may not be completely sure of your footing, and you might not always know exactly what you’re doing, but you have the potential to make it to the top of your own personal mountain over the next month. Your work ethic is stronger, you’re more assured of your convictions, and you’re more determined than ever to get exactly what you want!

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscopes for Capricorn season 2023-2024

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All eyes are on you! You’re reaching a big moment when it comes to your career, and it’s important that you do the absolute best work that you can. You’ll be struggling for a while, clocking in overtime, doing the most, but the rewards you reap will be totally worth the work you do.


With the Sun in like-minded earth sign Capricorn, you’re having a nice time! There may be a chance to travel coming up, particularly through work or school, and I suggest you take advantage of it. This month is all about broadening your horizons, expanding your mind, and becoming a more well-rounded person by integrating this new information and experiences into who you are, what you want, and your beliefs.


It’s time to get serious. You live with your head in the clouds and never let your feet touch the ground, but Capricorn season is dragging you back down to earth for a bit. There’s an imbalance in your life—maybe it’s tied to your finances or an extremely deep relationship—that needs to be sorted out. Rebalance your budget—not just your cashflow, but your emotional resources as well—and you’ll likely learn that you’re giving way more than what you’re receiving. It’ll likely involve tough conversations and difficult times, but you have to come back down to earth and sort out the IRL problems you’ve been neglecting.


It’s cuffing season! The Sun in Capricorn activates your chart’s zone of relationships, so it’s a great time to get boo’d up and have someone to keep you nice and warm through these cold winter nights. If you’re already in a relationship, this is simply an opportunity to get closer to your partner, and every second you spend with your special someone is definitely time well spent!


Your to-do list just got a million times longer, Leo. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of rules and work. Saturn’s least favorite sign is yours, buddy, so this next month might feel like a real bummer. You’re a party animal, but you can’t be in party mode 24/7! Eventually you have to pick up all the pieces and clean up your mess. That’s what this month is for: Tidying up, getting organized, and being responsible. Boring, I know, but it's important.


Your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun is getting lit up by the Sun for the next month, so your love life is defs improving soon! Whether it’s hella hookups, lots of dating, or just getting even closer with your partner, your love life in and out of the bedroom is getting busier by the day. This is also a great time to express yourself, because your creativity is at an all time high!


Go back to your roots, Libra. This Capricorn astro-weather wants you to hit pause, be still, and take a look back at your “journey thus far.” Memories from the past are coming up, and you’re spending lots of time connecting with family and people you have history with. This is a time to resolve past conflicts, focus on the good memories, and recharge your batteries.


You’re known for being secretive and ~mysterious~, but you're beginning to open up this month! You’re more curious and talkative, which means you're able to make new connections wherever you go now. You’re basically in your social butterfly era, adding tons and tons of names to your contacts list. Whether they’re platonic or professional, the connections you have over the next month are very important. This is a great time to meet friends in high places.


You’ll stick to your guns every single time if someone questions your beliefs or ideas, which is admirable...but when you change your mind about fifty times a day, it can be confusing to others. This next month, focus on who and what really matters to you. How do you want to live? Who do you want to be? How do your values and morals help you become that person? Figure it out and set it in stone. This is a time for commitment.


Happy birthday! It’s all about you right now, Capricorn. You've spent the past few weeks reaching the final chapter of jobs, relationships, and projects. Now that the Sun is in your sign, an abundance of doors are opening. That means it's time for new work, new people, and new interests. The world is your oyster right now, and the things you initiate now will have major longevity and importance.


It has been…quite the year. And you’ve been through a ton. There’s lots of leftovers on your plate, though, so before you can move onto 2024 and start fresh, you gotta get rid of everything and everyone in your life that isn't working. Toxic exes are getting kicked out for good, you’re making nice with that friend that you had stupid drama with, and you’re finally moving on from the past.


You’re learning who your real friends are over the next month, Pisces. Old, shitty connections are falling out of your life, opening up room for new friends. It might feel like your squad is just shuffling around senselessly at first, but I promise, all this moving around has a purpose! You’re integrating yourself into a crew that works for you. Everyone celebrates you just as much as you celebrate them, and by the end of the month, you’ll have a true sense of belonging.

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