Rare Pygmy Slow Loris Born at Memphis Zoo

The Memphis Zoo in Tennessee has announced the birth of “a rare and endangered pygmy slow loris.”

The tiny nocturnal primate was born on December 13 to parents Samper and Artemis and was being cared for behind the scenes, the zoo said in a press release on January 29.

“Zoo veterinarians determined he needed extra assistance to give him the best chance of survival, so he is being hand-reared by dedicated staff who feed him every two hours around the clock,” the Memphis Zoo wrote. “He has graduated from formula to a slurry of banana, leaf-eater biscuit, water, and formula, which he eats out of a bowl. The keepers will determine a name as they learn more about his personality,” they said.

The pygmy slow loris is native to Southeast Asia. but its native population is in major decline, with the number living in the wild currently unknown, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which maintains the Red List of Threatened Species. Credit: Memphis Zoo via Storyful

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