‘Quick thinking’ 7th grader brings school bus to a stop after driver loses consciousness

A seventh-grade boy is being praised for acting fast after his bus driver passed out while transporting middle school students home.

The student, from the Warren Consolidated Schools district in Michigan, was taking the bus home on Wednesday 26 April and noticed the driver lost consciousness, according to a statement from the school’s superintendent, Robert Livernois, posted on Facebook.

The driver, who was bringing the bus full of middle school students home, was apparently feeling “lightheaded” and alerted the transportation base she was going to pull over via radio, Mr Livernois said in a press conference.

However, before the driver could pull over, she passed out.

“As the bus was slowing down it started to veer into what would have been oncoming traffic,” Mr Livernois said, adding that traffic was, luckily, quite light.

The seventh-grade boy sitting approximately five rows behind the driver noticed the incident and ran to the front of the bus and brought it to a stop.

The student even managed to bring the bus to a stop slowly instead of jamming on the breaks.

“In my 35-plus years of education, this was an extraordinary act of courage and maturity on his part.” Mr Livernois said.

Once the bus was brought to a stop, two good samaritans helped unload the children from the bus and called for help to assist the driver.

Students were loaded onto a different bus and made their way home.

Local police and fire department officials quickly responded to the scene after being notified.

“The actions of the student who helped stop the bus made all the difference today, and I could not be prouder of his efforts,” Mr Livernois wrote in his press release.

Mr Livernois took a moment during the press conference to recognise the seventh-grade student for his bravery. The crowd of people attending the press conference applauded the young man for helping the bus driver and taking control of the situation.

As of 27 April, the bus driver was still in the hospital undergoing testing, according to Mr Livernois.