Pro-Hamas Flyers Found on Display Near Synagogue


Several pro-Hamas flyers have reportedly been found in front of a synagogue in Bangor, Maine. Jarod Farn-Guillette told the Bangor Daily News he was picking up his daughter from a Hebrew school when he spotted the posters near Congregation Beth El Bangor. One poster shows a man wielding an AK-47 with paragliders behind him, along with the text, “Palestine will win.” “A picture of an AK-47 does not necessarily say, ‘I want peace,’” Farn-Guillette was quoted saying. He said he reported the flyers to both the rabbi and local police, who took them and are investigating. “We’ve been very worried in recent weeks about security at the synagogue,” Beth El Rabbi Sam Weiss told the news outlet. “It was very concerning. It made us feel unsafe.”

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