Preacher Ustaz Ebit Lew reaches out to frontliners after call for help

Preacher Ustaz Ebit Lew (right) answered Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s call for help. — Picture from Facebook/ Ebit Lew
Preacher Ustaz Ebit Lew (right) answered Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s call for help. — Picture from Facebook/ Ebit Lew

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 21 — Preacher Ustaz Ebit Lew reached out to medical frontliners after a call for help.

In a Facebook post, Ebit Irawan Ibrahim Lew @ Lew Yun Pau shared about answering Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s call for help.

Lew said he had received a message from the hospital on Tuesday asking for necessities.

“Today, we sent 100 cartons of mineral water, soap, shampoo, biscuits, keropok and also dried goods for the hospital’s frontliners,” he wrote.

Lew said the items were handed over to the hospital director Datuk Dr Heric Corray.

He said that the hospital’s emergency ward was filled with Covid-19 positive patients who are in between Stage Three and Stage Five.

“I need to be strong and be here always to give the frontliners the spirit to soldier on.”

Preacher Ustaz Ebit Lew gave words of encouragement to policemen when he visited three police stations January 20, 2021. — Picture from Facebook/ Ebit Lew
Preacher Ustaz Ebit Lew gave words of encouragement to policemen when he visited three police stations January 20, 2021. — Picture from Facebook/ Ebit Lew

In a separate post, Lew shared about paying a visit to frontliners at the Tun H.S. Lee station, Dang Wangi and Sungai Buloh district police stations, where he handed over 550 boxes of KFC and 25,000 face masks.

Lew said he prayed with the personnel and gave them words of encouragement.

“I am touched with their sacrifices. They are our frontliners.

“Only Allah can repay their services and sacrifices,” he said.

Known for his charitable deeds, Lew’s efforts include Elews Mart to ease the burden of the needy by offering household essentials at affordable prices as a way of giving back to the community.

He also launched a free ambulance and hearse van service for those who could not afford to hire such services.

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