Porn actor Ron Jeremy not mentally fit for trial

STORY: Porn star Ron Jeremy has been declared mentally incompetent to stand trial for rape and other sex charges.

The announcement was made by a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office on Tuesday (17 January)

The 69-year-old had been facing charges in Los Angeles involving 21 women.

In August 2021, he had pleaded not guilty to more than 30 counts of sexual assault, including 12 of rape, over a 23-year period.

The alleged offenses took place at night clubs and bars in the Los Angeles area, during a photo shoot, and at Jeremy's home, the District Attorney's office said.

He has been in prison since his arrest in June 2020.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Ronald S. Harris said in a hearing that he had determined, based on reports from prosecutors and Jeremy's defense, that the actor suffered from "incurable neurocognitive decline," according to the Associated Press.

Jeremy's attorney had told the court in March 2022 that his client had been unable to recognize him at one visit.

Jeremy was among the biggest names in the adult film industry, appearing in more than 2,000 movies starting in the 1970s.