The New Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket Cards Are Stunning

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Pokémon card art is always fantastic, but my god, Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket’s latest line of full-art cards is particularly exceptional. The “Space-Time Smackdown” set will be released on the app on January 30, primarily featuring Pokémon from the Nintendo DS games Diamond and Pearl. I am a Sinnoh sicko, so seeing Pokémon from that region like my boys Torterra, the grass/ground-type tortoise with a whole ecosystem on the back of its shell, and Palkia, the dragon god of space, featured in any capacity is alright by me. I’ve mostly stopped checking in on TCGP, but these exceptional full arts will get me back.

Space-Time Smackdown includes 207 new cards, and while the standard cards are great, the full-arts are easily the highlights. We’ll go through all of them, but I did want to specifically shout out the Dialga and Palkia full-art cards, which are both homages to previous cards featuring the god-like dragons in the Astral Radiance packs. Both cards also have “immersive” animations of the sort featured on rare cards in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket that give you a new perspective on the artwork.

Click through to see all the full-art cards, and if you want to see every card in the set, you can check out PokéBeach’s round-up of all 207. Also, it’s a shame this art isn’t available on physical cards. Sure, it would defeat the appeal of a separate app to collect on, but I would buy that Palkia card in a heartbeat.

A family of Rotom

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

A Shinx playing in laundry

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

A Manaphy hanging out on a beach

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Gastrodons about to square up

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

A Mamoswine protects its babies

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Dialga looking over a mountain range

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Palkia vibing in a horrific maze of stairs

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Lickilicky grabbing a snack

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Darkrai manipulating nightmares

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Weavile setting up an ambush

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

A group of Carnivine queening out

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Gallade pondering in the water

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Mismagius creating a “magical delusion”

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

A group of Pachirisu climbing trees

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

An Infernape looking like a boss

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

A Yanmega vibing on a tree

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Regigigas hanging out with its children

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Glameow admiring its own reflection

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Bidoof showing the strength of community

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Staraptor leading the flock

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Garchomp catching some Zs

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Heatran hanging out

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Croagunk desperate to win at the claw machine

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Spiritomb remains the stuff of nightmares

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Hippopotas stampede

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Lucario leads a party of fighting-type monsters

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Rhyperior helps excavate

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Cresselia visits a young girl

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Giratina causing trouble on a cosmic scale, probably

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Mesprit hanging out with its siblings

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

A trainer finally tracks down a Drifloon

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Combee in its natural habitat

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Tangrowth struggling with all its tangles

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

Shaymin stops to smell the flowers

Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: The Pokémon Company

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