PM Anwar says he will discuss raw water supply issue with Perak and Penang govts

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

IPOH, March 11 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said he will meet with the Perak menteri besar and Penang chief minister to discuss the raw water supply issue despite the Perak government’s announcement that it can’t supply water to its neighbour.

Anwar said that the issue of Perak supplying raw water to Penang was still under discussion.

“Definitely Perak will give priority to its internal needs, and this is not wrong based on matters of policy.

“But if it is true that there is a surplus of water, based on projections for the next five or 10 years, then it must be studied scientifically. Only then can a decision be made,” he told reporters after officiating World Water Day 2023 celebrations at Stadium Indera Mulia here.

In December, Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad said the state government still can’t supply raw water to Penang even after a coalition government was formed between Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Harapan (PH) following the 15th general election.

Saarani said that the issue was never about which party was leading the state, but rather the capacity of raw water from rivers.

He also said that any government, no matter PH or BN, would have to face the fact that the raw water supply in Perak is only enough for internal use.

“On top of that, we are going to develop Perak as an industrial state, which will require more water. We are going to open more companies involved with rubber processing, and such companies require more water.

“We have also spotted water shortages in companies located in Kamunting. We do not want a problem where we supply water to others and we suffer a shortage,” he explained.

Saarani also said that this is why the state stands firm in its decision to not supply raw water to other states.