PM Anwar: Opposition lacks strength to push for motion of no-confidence against unity govt

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

ISKANDAR PUTERI, Jan 11 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today said that the Opposition lacks the strength to push for a no-confidence motion against the unity government in Parliament.

He said that it has been a year since the formation of the unity government and the Opposition has yet to successfully cast their doubts on his support.

“Efforts such as the existence of statutory declarations (SD) or the ‘Dubai Move’ are just political manoeuvring played by one side.

“Such talk is nothing but propaganda to deceive their supporters.

“We have been waiting every day, but there has been no development. I don’t think that the Opposition has the strength to bring such a motion to Parliament,” Anwar told reporters after he visited the Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) in Gelang Patah here today.

Present at the event were Transport Minister Anthony Loke, Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli and Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi.

Anwar was responding to the recent threats by the Opposition to trigger a change of government by submitting a motion of no-confidence in Parliament by claiming that the prime minister had failed to garner vital support for his premiership and that of the unity government.

Anwar told his critics that they should work with the people first to bring any change to the administration.

“Ultimately it is the people who will choose,” he said.

Anwar said that even his administration had advised the government leadership to continue developing the country and refrain from playing politics.

Meanwhile, Anwar once again gave his commitment to fighting corruption among leaders and those with positions.

He said it was the role of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

“If the person is not guilty, then there is no reason for them to worry as the investigation is done carefully and the prosecution will only present the case if there is strong evidence.

“People should not think that only certain parties are being targeted as this will give the impression that the bigger sharks will escape,” he said without naming any individuals.

Recently, MACC initiated corruption probes against former prime minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob and former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin.

MACC’s probe on Ismail Sabri was into the possible misconduct involving RM700 million spent on government publicity during a previous administration.

Daim, who had his property seized following a graft probe, has since filed a judicial review to challenge the MACC investigations into their financial dealings.

Earlier today, Daim’s family claimed that the anti-graft body has no reasonable cause to investigate them under the MACC Act or the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001.