PKR’s Kota Damansara assemblyman, family test positive for Covid-19

Kota Damansara assemblyman Shatiri Mansor addresses a press conference in Shah Alam in this file picture taken on November 9, 2018. — Picture by Mukhriz Hazim
Kota Damansara assemblyman Shatiri Mansor addresses a press conference in Shah Alam in this file picture taken on November 9, 2018. — Picture by Mukhriz Hazim

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 — PKR state assemblyman Shatiri Mansor said today that he and his family have tested positive for Covid-19, after he returned from Sabah for state election campaigning.

The Kota Damansara assemblyman said he and seven others from his office were already tested at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 when returning, but his family went through another test after his wife tested positive on September 30.

“Since we are all close contacts, we were called by the district health office at October 2 to retake the test and today, I received a call saying me and my two children are positive,” he said in a video shared by a Facebook fan page.

His family is now in Sungai Buloh Hospital for treatment, while three others from his group has been declared negative and are undergoing self-quarantine until October 16.

Earlier today, DAP’s Kampung Tunku’s assemblyman Lim Yi Wei also issued a statement saying she has tested positive for the coronavirus.

This comes as the country charted its highest daily record of new Covid-19 cases, with minister Datuk Zulkifli Mohamad being confirmed as positive earlier.

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