In Pictures: Zookeepers carry out annual count of all creatures great and small

ZSL London Zoo’s annual ritual of counting its animals was carried out at the start of a new year for the London attraction.

Zoos are required by law to give annual updates of the numbers of creatures in their menageries and all creatures great and small had to be accounted for as zookeepers got to work on the stocktake.

Galapagos tortoises were not too much of a flight risk while the counting was under way but the zookeeper tasked with totting up the penguins had a much trickier task with the agile and slippery crowd pleasers, whether they were waddling or taking a deep dive.

ZSL London Zoo annual stocktake
Priscilla, a giant Galapagos tortoise, is counted during the annual stocktake (Aaron Chown/PA)
ZSL London Zoo annual stocktake
Zookeeper Kim counts Priscilla and Polly (Aaron Chown/PA)

The keeper assigned to millipedes was doubtless relieved he was carrying out a headcount rather than measuring footfall.

Tigers and zebras were also to be reckoned with at the popular London venue.

ZSL London Zoo annual stocktake
Zookeeper Sam counts a giant millipede (Aaron Chown/PA)
ZSL London Zoo annual stocktake
All creatures great and small were counted at the London attraction (Aaron Chown/PA)
ZSL London Zoo annual stocktake
Crispin, a Sumatran tiger, takes part in the annual stocktake (Aaron Chown/PA)
ZSL London Zoo annual stocktake
Crispin takes an interest as he is counted (Aaron Chown/PA)
ZSL London Zoo annual stocktake
Zebras also measured up for the count (Aaron Chown/PA)
ZSL London Zoo annual stocktake
Zoos are required to do yearly counts (Aaron Chown/PA)
ZSL London Zoo annual stocktake
Humboldt penguins were tallied during the morning (Aaron Chown/PA)
ZSL London Zoo annual stocktake
Zookeeper Jess counts the Humboldt penguins (Aaron Chown/PA)