Performer of the Week: Hiroyuki Sanada

Performer of the Week: Hiroyuki Sanada
Performer of the Week: Hiroyuki Sanada

THE PERFORMER | Hiroyuki Sanada

More from TVLine

THE SHOW | Shōgun

THE EPISODE | “The Abyss of Life” (April 9, 2024)

THE PERFORMANCE | Being a great leader sometimes means having to set your emotions aside, and Lord Toranaga — the embattled ruler at the center of FX’s samurai epic — had plenty of reason to be emotional, with the sudden death of his son Nagakado and his impending defeat at the hands of the other lords. But Toranaga’s ultimate fate hasn’t been written yet, and Sanada was masterful this week as he allowed hints of Toranaga’s churning emotions to come to the surface while also letting us know that the resourceful lord has another plan up his sleeve.

As the episode opened, Toranaga was grieving the loss of his son and also nagged by a stubborn cough, and Sanada’s slumped shoulders and weary demeanor had us worried that we might be witnessing Toranaga’s final days. His generals tried to convince him to keep fighting, but a flicker of rage entered Sanada’s voice as Toranaga firmly shut that down: “My son is dead. I will have no further bloodshed.” Later, Toranaga had another showdown with his trusty right-hand man Hiromatsu (with Tokuma Nishioka delivering a top-notch performance as well), and Sanada’s gaze was positively withering as Toranaga stared down his friend, refusing to budge from his plans to surrender, even when Hiromatsu threatened to commit ritual suicide. When Hiromatsu declared that he was about to “die in vain,” Toranaga’s response was coldblooded: “Then die.”

Hiromatsu did take his own life, and Sanada gave us a fleeting moment of genuine grief, with Toranaga breaking down in sobs over his “old friend” with Mariko. But he also added that “Osaka has to believe my defeat is real,” with Sanada slyly revealing the lord’s vast strategic prowess. Yes, this was all part of the plan, and as Toranaga mournfully prayed over his son’s ashes and vowed not to waste the opportunity he’d been given, we were once again reminded of what a clever and cunning leader Toranaga is — and what a powerful and mesmerizing performance Sanada is giving us.

Scroll down to see who scored Honorable Mention shout-outs this week…



There was no one else we would’ve rather seen grace our screens in Curb Your Enthusiasms series finale than Jerry Seinfeld. Our smiles were glued to our faces as we watched him and Larry banter like old pals. (The bearded lady hypothetical, anyone?) The comedian returned every one of L.D.’s volleys with precise comedic timing and vigor like the pro that he is, but the funny didn’t stop there. Seinfeld’s facial expressions as he fielded Leon’s “f–k tapes” theory? Glorious. And while Curb’s exceptional ending could’ve maybe worked without him, having Seinfeld on hand to comment on Seinfeld was the cherry on top of an already pret-tay, pret-tay good sundae. — Nick Caruso



As John Wilkes Booth’s storied flight came to an end in this week’s Manhunt, Anthony Boyle gave a performance that instantly earned a place on his professional highlight reel. Booth and sidekick David Herold were holed up in a barn, hiding from Stanton’s ever-encroaching search team, but the pressure just seemed to amp up Booth’s bravado. We couldn’t tear our eyes away from Boyle as Booth boasted about all of the tough scrapes he’d gotten out of before, the character’s insane self-assurance evident in every cock of the head and crooked grin. When that tack didn’t work to bolster Herold, Boyle tapped into Booth’s talents as a performer and delivered an affecting, determined monologue about his purpose in life. Boyle funneled Booth’s frustration at his current lot into a speech that went from weeping reminiscence to steely determination. For a minute — just a minute! — we found ourselves kinda rooting for one of history’s most notorious villains. — Kimberly Roots

HONORABLE MENTION: Katherine Renee Kane

HONORABLE MENTION: Katherine Renee Kane
HONORABLE MENTION: Katherine Renee Kane

FBI, with its Season 6 premiere in February, set in motion a compelling arc for Katherine Renee Kane‘s Special Agent Tiffany Wallace, who has blamed herself for the death of UC partner Hobbs. This week’s episode pulled at that explosive thread anew, and Kane had us rapt with her every scene. The instant that Tiffany learned that Hobbs’ killer, Hakim, might (well, in her mind) be in play, Kane showed her character’s wheels turning. Tiffany was laser-focused, though not on the actual POI in the FBI’s crosshairs, and to a degree that she atypically defied orders. Kane in turn imbued Tiffany with a different energy that was electric. It was difficult to see Tiffany’s “audibles” earn Isobel’s ire, yes. But that final scene, where the team learned that Hakim is back in New York? Study Kane’s face, because it perfectly conveyed validation, excitement… and fear for what she might do next to seek payback. — Matt Webb Mitovich

Which performance(s) knocked your socks off this week? Tell us in the comments!

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