Perak PAS rep accuses Guan Eng of inciting disharmony, demands police action over ‘green wave’ remarks

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

IPOH, July 10 — Manjoi assemblyman Mohd Hafez Sabri wants the police to investigate DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng for his recent remarks that the PAS man claimed painted his party in a negative light ahead of next month’s six state elections.

In parallel moves undertaken by Bersatu politicians in the national capital, Mohd Hafez, accompanied by a group of Perikatan Nasional (PN) supporters, lodged a complaint against Lim at the Ipoh police district headquarters here today,

“The report quoted Lim as saying that if green wave not happy with the temple, they will destroy it. But as long as Penang remains the same, the people can still pray to the Gods and Buddha.

“The report also stated that Lim described anyone in Penang who supported the green wave as ‘defectors and rebels’, who would be cursed to ‘leave a rotten reputation for thousands of years’.

“Lim also warned that Penang would be wiped out under the rule of the green wave and will be made part of Kedah,” he told reporters outside the police station after filing the complaint.

Mohd Hafez was referring to a news report citing Lim saying that the “green wave” would destroy temples and would cause non-Muslims to suffer should they vote for PAS in the August 12 Penang election.

Lim has since said the original news report by vernacular daily China Press was mistranslated by news portal Malaysia Now over the weekend.

Despite his explanation, Lim’s disparagers claim the DAP lawmaker made malicious allegations about PAS.

“I feel worried, uneasy and afraid of Lim’s statement because it involves religion which can cause an atmosphere of disharmony, division, enmity, hatred, malice and disunity.

“Therefore, I urge the police and the authorities to investigate Lim over his statements under Section 298A and 505 of the Penal Code and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998,” Mohd Hafez said.

Sections 298A(1) of the Penal Code make the insult of any religion a criminal offence, though these provisions are mainly used against those deemed to have wounded Islam.

Section 505 criminalise statements conducing to public mischief, which punishes those found guilty in court with a maximum imprisonment of two years, or a fine, or both.

Section 233 criminalises online content that is obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive in character with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person. If found guilty in court, the offender could be fined of not more than RM50,000 or imprisonment for up to one year, or both.