Penang DAP rep calls for stop-work order of highway project if contractor fails to comply with regulations

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

GEORGE TOWN, May 21 — Seri Delima assemblyman Connie Tan Hooi Peng has today called for a stop-work order on the construction of Package Two highway if the contractor, Consortium Zenith Construction (CZC), continues to flout regulations.

The DAP lawmaker accused the contractor for the Air Itam-Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway Bypass Project of negligent and disruptive conduct, and said the Penang Infrastructure Corporation (PIC) must improve its monitoring system for construction projects to ensure strict compliance with regulations.

“Should Consortium Zenith continue to fail in adhering to these guidelines, we strongly advocate for the imposition of a stop-work order or even replacing them with a competent contractor who meets the specifications,” she said in a statement issued here.

She said the state government must prioritise the welfare of the people and take decisive action against any entity that jeopardises their safety and comfort.

She said CZC has been a constant nuisance to the affected residents during construction work of the highway.

“Despite numerous attempts to engage with Consortium Zenith for better coordination and updates, our requests have been met with inaction,” she said.

She said it is unacceptable that the company has continuously disregarded proper communication protocols that has led to severe inconveniences for the residents.

“Furthermore, Consortium Zenith has been carrying out construction work beyond permissible hours, including Sundays and public holidays,” she said.

She pointed out that yesterday, construction activities extended until 12.30am that affected residents.

“This continuous disturbance, especially during late hours, is a direct violation of the residents’ rights to peace and rest,” she said.

She said there were also occasions where the construction work has caused damage to nearby condominiums and resulted in muddy floods.

“I call upon Consortium Zenith to immediately cease all overtime construction activities and strictly adhere to the prescribed working hours,” she said.

She said emergency mitigation work is not an excuse for overtime activities as there are methods and schedules that can be adopted to ensure both safety and minimal disturbance.

“Increasing the workforce during the day can expedite the process within regular working hours,” she said.

She said CZC must respect the rights of the residents by operating only within the legal and ethical boundaries set by local regulations.

“The residents of Penang deserve to live in a community where their rights are respected, and their voices are heard,” she said.