Penang consumer group urges state govt to cancel cable car project, cites serious environmental damage

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

GEORGE TOWN, Dec 20 — The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) today urged the state government to cancel the cable car project that was announced last week.

CAP president Mohideen Abdul Kader said the cable car line that connects Penang Botanic Gardens to Penang Hill summit will seriously impact the hill’s environment and ecological balance.

He said it will have serious consequences for the environment and people’s health.

“The well-being of the people and the integrity of our environment should not be sacrificed at the altar of tourist dollars,” he said.

He said the cable car project will lead to the construction of hotels, restaurants, theme parks, homes and roads to cater to the increased number of tourists and residents.

“It is bound to lead to loss of forest cover and pollution of streams on the hill,” he warned.

He said the project will result in the reduction of habitats and consequently — the extinction of valuable plants, animals, birds, and insects.

“Its impact will also cause soil erosion, degraded land slopes and increased landslides,” he said.

He said it was obvious that the authorities have not learned any lesson from the storm and the floods that hit Penang several years ago.

He reminded the authorities that the storm led to massive landslides and uprooted trees on Penang hill and cut off communication on the hill.

“Currently, more than 5,000 people go up the hill and this is already exceeding the carrying capacity of the hill,” he said.

He warned that an increase in the number of visitors and residents will lead to a substantial hike in the consumption of resources such as food, water, and energy — and the production of waste.

He said increased production of waste will damage the hill’s ecosystems as the hill does not have adequate sewage and waste disposal facilities to manage waste generated by large numbers of visitors and residents.

He said the location of the cable car station, in the middle of Youth Park and the Botanic Gardens, will lead to traffic congestion in the area.

“Atmospheric and noise pollution will reach unacceptable limits and ruin the pleasure of those who patronise the park and the gardens,” he said.

Despite the state government’s assurances that the cable car project is a green transport system, Mohideen said the project will lead to an increase in the state’s carbon footprint.

“The construction of the cable car and the ensuing human activities on the hill and the station will produce large amounts of carbon dioxide and thereby increase our carbon footprint,” he said adding that it was clearly in violation of Malaysia’s commitment under the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals to reduce carbon footprint.

Last week, the Penang state government announced the awarding of the tender to build the cable car project to local rail industry pioneer, Hartasuma Sdn Bhd.

Hartasuma will fund the construction of the RM245 million project and is then given a 30-year concession.

Sahabat Alam Malaysia president Meenakshi Raman also voiced concerns last week over the project and its environmental and social impact.

She said a detailed environmental and social impact assessment should be conducted and it must involve public consultation and transparency.