Pakistan's army deployed to end deadly protests

STORY: Pakistan’s government deployed the army on Wednesday to stop violent protests that have broken out across the country and left a number of people dead since the arrest of former leader Imran Khan.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday warned protesters the government’s response to the unrest would be quote ‘iron-handed’.

At least five people are dead in violent clashes between protesters and police, dealing a blow to Pakistan’s stability.

While it suffers a severe economic crisis and faces a delay to an International Monetary Fund bailout that's lasted since November.

Khan’s supporters stormed government buildings following the former prime minister’s arrest in a land fraud case on Tuesday.

Other state buildings and assets have also been attacked and set on fire by protesters, escalating tensions between Khan and the army.

As protests rage on, the former international cricket star turned politician is now under the custody of Pakistan's anti-graft body for eight days for further questioning, according to a government adviser.

If convicted, Khan will be disqualified from standing for office, possibly for life.

Pakistan is due for elections later this year.