Pakatan rallies behind ‘Kita Boleh’ slogan, asks supporters to create storm on social media

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

ALOR SETAR, Nov 4 — Pakatan Harapan (PH) is attempting to raise awareness of its 15th general election (GE15) campaign and manifesto online, by requesting supporters to promote its series of rallies nationwide on social media.

In the last few days and as demonstrated in its rally in Alor Setar last night where hundreds of supporters turned up, PH has asked supporters to use the slogan Kita Boleh (Malay for “we can”) when sharing, liking and commenting on its content.

“Please open your Facebook and please look for Pakatan Harapan. You’ll see our live feed.

“Please like, share and comment Kita Boleh on the comments section so we can be the biggest campaign tour in Kedah of all parties this GE15,” said the rally emcee, a sentiment repeated every time a speaker took the stage.

The pact had last month also launched a theme song for GE15 titled Malaysia Kita Boleh.

It had also launched its mascot called Jaguh, a mouse deer whose slogan was the same Kita Boleh.

Better known as kancil in Malay, the coalition said the animal was chosen as it was known to be brave and smart despite being tiny.

Among the speakers last night were its Padang Terap candidate Muaz Abdullah from Parti Amanah Negara who called for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to be the prime minister, and party mate preacher Ridzwan Abu Bakar who lambasted PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang for the latter’s racist remarks and for allegedly selling the Islamist party to the highest bidder.

Muhd Sany Hamzan, the director of the nationwide tour Program Jelajah Harapan said: “Hadi says we don’t appreciate Islam, don’t want a King and continues to lie to the public about us.

“The reason for him doing all this is he thinks he has the keys to heaven,” said Sany to applause and laughter from the crowd.

“Even when he’s in government he condemns other races. Hence make sure on November 19 you guys vote for PH and not Umno who are full of crooks and criminals.”

Pakatan Harapan chairman, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announcing Langkawi candidate, Zabidi Yahya (in white) at the Mega Harapan Kedah tour in Sg Petani, Kedah November 3, 2022. Flanking him are Mat Sabu and Datuk Mahfuz Omar. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon
Pakatan Harapan chairman, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announcing Langkawi candidate, Zabidi Yahya (in white) at the Mega Harapan Kedah tour in Sg Petani, Kedah November 3, 2022. Flanking him are Mat Sabu and Datuk Mahfuz Omar. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

Pakatan Harapan chairman, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announcing Langkawi candidate, Zabidi Yahya (in white) at the Mega Harapan Kedah tour in Sg Petani, Kedah November 3, 2022. Flanking him are Mat Sabu and Datuk Mahfuz Omar. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

Amanah president Mat Sabu arrived at just before 10pm and was greeted with a loud cheer.

He lamented the fact the elections will be held now when floods were imminent.

“I couldn’t give a speech in Sabah today because the place was flooded from constant rain. Makes me wonder how people will go out to vote on the day.

“If all of you are wondering the same let me enlighten you. This election isn’t for the people, it’s to save criminals in Umno from facing justice,” he said.

“So, you want to vote for them again? This is the mother of all elections and you have the best opportunity to save us from these robbers,” he told the crowd during his light-hearted but strict speech.

People gather at the ceramah Mega Harapan Kedah tour in Sg Petani, Kedah November 3, 2022. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon
People gather at the ceramah Mega Harapan Kedah tour in Sg Petani, Kedah November 3, 2022. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

People gather at the ceramah Mega Harapan Kedah tour in Sg Petani, Kedah November 3, 2022. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

When Pokok Sena incumbent MP Datuk Mahfuz Omar spoke, he said: “PAS used to be attacked by Umno. Umno said they’re in cohorts with DAP, working with them, DAP a threat to Malays and many more.

“Reality is, DAP isn’t the problem, this government is. We have so many ministers but all of them devoid of good ideas resulting in the people suffering so much due to their failures,” said Mahfuz.

PH prime minister candidate Anwar arrived at 10.20pm to a warm welcome from the crowd and shouts of Reformasi.

He began his speech by naming the many government tenders given to cronies which have resulted in Kedah being a poor state.

He too took shots at Hadi when Hadi was part of them fighting against Umno.

“He was so close to Lim Guan Eng. I mean he hugged Lim so tightly when we were together, tighter than I ever did since I knew Lim but now it’s the opposite. Why? Because of power and greed,” said Anwar.

Anwar, who will compete for the Tambum seat in Ipoh, said he could have been prime minister if he had agreed with the terms from Umno but when he was asked to free Najib by signing a statutory declaration he refused.

“I have self-respect and dignity so I won’t betray the people by being corrupt.”

“Lest we forget this government caused more than 36,000 people to die during the pandemic. Where was PAS when this happened? They didn’t say a word because they all have ulterior motives. Do not forget this my friends,” he said.

Voters who turned up today came from areas such as Jerlun, Kubang Pasu, Kuala Kedah and Alor Setar and Sg Petani.