Onn Hafiz confirms running for Simpang Renggam Umno division chief instead of national Youth chief

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

JOHOR BARU, Feb 15 — Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi today confirmed he is not contesting the national Umno Youth chief post despite entreaties from supporters.

Instead, he will focus on firming up support at the state level and has offered himself as a candidate in the Simpang Renggam Umno division chief.

“I will not contest any positions at Umno’s national level, but with a sense of humility, would like to offer myself for the position of the Simpang Renggam Umno division chief for this term's election.

“I will focus on administration and development in my area and the entire Johor,” he said on Facebook.

Several Umno Youth leaders recently touted Onn Hafiz, the 44-year-old grandson of Umno’s first president Datuk Seri Onn Jaafar, as the best candidate for the party’s Youth chief since he had headed its Sembrong division youth chief from 2013 to 2018 and had also been an executive member of wing at the national level.

Onn Hafiz also served as political secretary to then defence minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein who is also his uncle.

In his Facebook post, Onn Hafiz explained that he decided to run for the Simpang Renggam Youth chief post so he can continue to strengthen the administration and development of Johor.

For the coming Umno polls, it is understood that Onn Hafiz will lock horns with incumbent Simpang Renggam division chief Datuk Zakaria Dullah.