Only Real 'Gilmore Girls' Fans Will Know These Quotes

gilmore girls quotes about fall
Only Real 'GG Fans Will Know These QuotesCBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

When it comes to the best fall shows, Gilmore Girls tops every list. It's one of those feel-good, comforting series that can be watch year after year. It doesn't hurt that the most iconic scenes are filmed with a picturesque autumn backdrop. Think about it: Dean and Rory's first kiss happened right before the Autumn Festival, Lorelai learns Rory applied to Yale around Emily and Richard's Thanksgiving table, and, of course, Luke and Lorelai finally get married during the fall part of A Year in the Life.

With this being said, it’s no surprise the show leaves us with many iconic quotes about the season, including some perfect sayings that can be used as Thanksgiving Instagram captions this year.

So, grab your cup of coffee, and check out these short, funny and simply relatable Gilmore Girls quotes about fall.

a couple of blue cups with brown liquid in them
Danielle Carson
  • It’s just my favorite time of the year. The whole world changes color.Lorelai

  • "I... am an autumn." – Richard

  • “God, how much food is in there? This could feed twelve!” – Rory

  • "It's not too much food. This is what we've been training for our whole lives. This is our destiny, this is our finest hour." – Lorelai

  • "It’s times like these that you realize what is truly important in your life."Miss Patty

  • “Shouldn’t we give thanks first?” – Luke

  • “Okay, so you don’t like orange. That’s fine. Autumn has many varied hues to toy with.” – Taylor

  • “We’re talking about the spirit of fall!” – Taylor

  • “There’s enough food, right? Did I make enough food?” – Sookie

  • “I diced pumpkins until my hands turned orange. I got pumpkin hands!” – Sookie

  • “Oh, hey there, doll faces. Happy Thanksgiving!” – Babette

  • “Now, there'll be other people there, so the focus won't be on you, and you may even be able to get by without saying more than 'hello', 'goodbye', and 'pass the gravy'. – Emily

a couple of blue mugs with brown liquid in them
Danielle Carson
  • “My Thanksgiving is turning into a Wes Craven movie.” – Paris

  • “Rory, what are we if not the world's champion eaters?” – Lorelai

  • "I smell snow." – Lorelai

  • "I gotta get back to stuffing my turkey." — Luke

  • "I'm attracted to pie. It doesn't mean I need to date pie." – Lorelai

  • "People don't realize it, but it takes years of training to eat the way we do." – Lorelai

  • "Breathe in, folks. Smells like fall." — Taylor

  • “I ate tofurkey. How do you think I feel?” – Lorelai

  • “This has been a nice Thanksgiving. Nicer for some than others though.” – Lorelai

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