Nurul Izzah said to divorce husband of 10 years

Sebalik dakwaan tuntutan fasakh, Nurul Izzah, suami pastikan kelangsungan perkahwinan

PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar (pic) is said to be divorcing her husband of 10 years, having petitioned for a Fasakh (annulment of marriage) at the Syariah Court last December.

Nurul, 33, who was at Asli’s 16th Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference today, declined to comment on the issue.

"I'm leaving now. Thank you for respecting my privacy," she said, before leaving the premises after her panel discussion ended.

Her husband, Raja Ahmad Shahrir Iskandar Raja Salim, 35, had received the notice on January 16 and requested on Monday for a two-week postponement of the divorce trial in court.

However, according a source, Izzah and Shahrir are still married. She also denied in a Twitter message that she is getting divorced.

The couple were married in May 2003 and have a seven-year-old daughter and four-year-old son.

The marriage ceremony was held at the residence of Nurul Izzah's father Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at Bukit Damansara. – January 23, 2014.