Noticing This After A Workout Could Mean Serious Health Issues

<span class="copyright">Oleg Breslavtsev via Getty Images</span>
Oleg Breslavtsev via Getty Images

If you’ve ever taken a seriously strenuous exercise class, you’ll be familiar with that “I think this might be my last day on Earth” feeling you get mid-lunge.

But it turns out that you really can work out to the point of hospitalisation, and even potentially death ― as TikTok user @brynn found out.

In a recent video, she stitched a clip of her struggling with sore muscles after a very intense training session.

“So, that video did not age well,” she shared in the updated footage from her hospital bed.

She said that she wants to make others aware, “because I was not,” that “you can work out too hard” to the extent that you end up in ER.

Surely not?

Yep ― it’s possible!


But you’re not alone never having heard of rhabdomyolysis, which the Cleveland Clinic explains is “a life-threatening condition that can happen after an injury or excessive exercise without rest.”

Usually, when you work out, your muscles ― though they may be sore ― have time to repair themselves.

But when you overexert your muscles or otherwise traumatise them, they cannot this and disintegrate instead, causing “muscle death.”

Though @brynn’s case was caused by working out too hard, it can also be the result of heat injuries, blocked blood vessels, extreme trauma to the muscle, and even some medications.

“When [muscle death] happens, toxic components of your muscle fibres enter your circulation system and kidneys. This can cause kidney damage,” the Cleveland Clinic says.

They add that it can be fatal, so you should see your doctor ASAP if you suspect it.

What are the symptoms? 

Keep an eye out for dark and/or infrequent urine after a strenuous workout ―  dark, tea-coloured pee is associated with the condition.


Other symptoms include nausea and weak muscles. You might also experience fatigue, soreness, bruising, a fever, a sense of malaise, or feeling unwell.

Sufferers sometimes also face vomiting, confusion, and agitation.

Of course, it’s important to consider that exercise is seriously, seriously good for you ― you should still work out if you can. The condition is, thankfully, rare.

Still, if you notice dark pee, struggle to urinate, and otherwise feel extremely sore and unwell after an intense workout, it’s a good idea to seek medical help ASAP as these could be signs of rhabdomyolysis.
