'Nothing Really Fazes Me, But Damn': Cashiers Are Sharing Specific Items People Buy That They Secretly Judge Them For

Recently, I wrote a post about cashiers of the BuzzFeed Community sharing things they ~secretly~ judge people for buying.

Well, the comments section of that post was flooded with even more cashiers sharing what items cause them to cringe when ringing someone up at the cash register. Here is what more people had to say about the topic:

1. “I work at a boba shop and I definitely judge people who get fruit-flavored toppings in their chocolate/coffee-flavored drinks. Rainbow jelly and hot chai latte — just thinking about it grosses me out.”


2. “I worked as a cashier for many years. The one that stands out to me is when this one group of people came in to buy alcohol. They were all pretty intoxicated already and the law says you cannot sell alcohol to an already-intoxicated person. I let them know I would not be selling them any alcohol so of course, they raised a big stink about it and security had to escort them out. I worried that they drove to the store because they were all too drunk to be driving.”


3. “I worked for an on-campus sandwich shop in college. This guy who lived there and came in every day was super nice, but his sandwich always upset me: a bunch of roast beef on rye bread. Nothing else. That has to be the driest sandwich out there. I hope he is doing well and has improved his sandwich game.”


4. “I worked in a store and we did not take EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer). I had a lady once roll up in a newer Escalade and piled up about $75 worth of junk food in a cart. I told her no EBT. She threw a huge shit fit and proceeded to pull out a wad of $100 bills.”


5. “I work at a hospital and we have a local coffee-shop chain near our cafeteria. I will never forget the day a woman ordered a tea with five creams and six sugars and a large coffee with six creams and eight Splendas. I can only hope they weren’t for her.”


6. “I worked at HomeGoods and there was ‘organic’ water in the specialty foods section. First of all, water contains no carbon and is thus inorganic. Second, who buys water from HomeGoods?”


7. “I work at a Spencer’s. Nothing really fazes me, however, I judge the hell out of people who buy love spell books. I don’t really believe in witchcraft but damn, it’s the intention. I’ve read through them and it gets super disgusting.”


8. “About 40 years ago I worked at a large store similar to Walmart. We caught a lady shoplifting a bunch of baby clothes one time. I felt sorry for her, thinking she just didn’t have enough money to buy clothes for her baby, right up until I noticed she was wearing a pair of $50 jeans (and that was a lot of money for jeans 40 years ago).”


9. “When I worked at a convenience store many moons ago on the overnight shift, I had a regular customer come in every night and buy a red hot beef burrito and a 500ml jug of half and half.”


10. “I worked as a cashier at a grocery store. We had a woman come in regularly. She always had a bursting cart full of donuts, and cheese puffs — mainly junk food. On the bottom were a few vegetables and healthier food. She would always mysteriously not have enough money and would have us put back just the healthy food and buy only junk. It was actually really sad. She did that every time she came in.”


11. “This isn’t a judgment thing, but when I worked at a grocery store I felt like everyone bought bananas. Pack of ground beef, and bananas. Paper plates and bananas. Didn’t matter what they bought, bananas came along.”


12. “I didn’t really judge purchases so much as the circumstances. Like the lady who came to the Babies ‘R’ Us in the middle of the worst snow/ice storm. After every other school and job had closed (except for crappy retail), this lady came in with her baby (it was single digits outside). The baby was definitely younger than a year and looked younger than six months. Mom and baby come in and buy a single tube of baby toothpaste and leave. There was no need to risk the baby’s life just for that.”


13. “I work at Petco and we judge you when you buy shitty less-than-five-gallon tanks for your betta fish with no heater and filter. We keep track of these people and if they come back to buy another betta soon we question them to see if it died and we won’t sell to them.”


15. “I used to work at a grocery store. One time, one of my coworkers had a couple come through her line buying groceries, beer, and baby formula. They ended up not having enough money on them to pay for everything, so put the baby formula back. My coworker ended up getting fired because she went off on them.”


16. “I think the only time I ever judged someone was actually a dude with a return. He came up right before my lunch break with a cart full of the most random hardware items ever, easily over 200 pieces. No receipts, no idea which card he had used. I scanned about 25 items and ran his card, but only about seven showed up so I told him I can’t proceed without receipts. He said ‘What about your no-hassle return guarantee?’ and I just looked at him and said ‘That is for people who have receipts or know what card they used,’ and walked off for my lunch break.”
