‘It’s not a short list’: Grand jury recommended multiple charges in Trump Georgia probe, foreperson reveals

The Georgia special grand jury investigating the attempt by former President Donald Trump and his associates to overturn the 2020 election results in the state has recommended indictments against several individuals on multiple charges in its report, only part of which has been released, the jury’s forewoman has said.

“It is not a short list,” Emily Kohrs told The New York Times. She said the jury appended eight pages of legal code “that we cited at various points in the report”.

She chose not to comment on who the grand jury has recommended for indictment as the judge chose to not release that information when publishing parts of the report last week.

Ms Kohrs told the paper that seven sections of the report that haven’t been released handle recommendations for indictment.

She was asked if Mr Trump had been recommended for indictment.

“You’re not going to be shocked. It’s not rocket science,” she told The TImes. “You won’t be too surprised.”

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