'Not with Patriots': How Ukraine should target Russia's S-300 & S-400 missile systems inside Russia - NV Radio

S-400 missile system destroyed in Russian Belgorod Oblast
S-400 missile system destroyed in Russian Belgorod Oblast

Ukrainian defense forces targeted and destroyed Russian S-300 and S-400 missile systems in Russia's Belgorod Oblast with HIMARS missile systems, aviation analyst Kostyantyn Kryvolap told Radio NV.

These systems were used to attack Kharkiv, he said.

Read also: Ukraine works on lifting ban on use of Western weapons on Russian territories – Kuleba

"Given the distance and direction, it fits perfectly," he said.

"Why else would there be S-300 and S-400 systems stationed there if we're not flying our planes or dropping bombs?”

“It’s clear these launchers were firing at Kharkiv Oblast."

While acknowledging the need to destroy such systems, Kryvolap admitted that Russia has many of them.

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"Ideally, F-16 jets should be deployed to eliminate these systems with JASSM missiles, as this would be the most effective solution," he said.

Even if two Patriot systems were placed near Kharkiv, each ballistic missile would still require two interceptors, given the system's design.

He pointed out the cost disparity: an S-300 missile costs between $300,000 and $500,000, while Ukraine would need to spend $3 million on two interceptors for each S-300 missile.

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Kryvolap also highlighted the scarcity of Patriot missiles globally.

"Even if every country contributed hit-to-kill missiles to Kharkiv Oblast, there would still be more S-300 missiles.”

“Therefore, the focus should be on destroying the launchers themselves using ATACMS or air-to-ground missiles from F-16s."

Ukrainian forces attacked the Russian city of Belgorod with HIMARS multiple rocket launch systems just hours after the White House approved limited strikes on Russian territory using American weaponry, Forbes reported on June 2.

Read also: Russia ‘moving faster’ than West on arms production and supply – Zelenskyy

U.S. President Joe Biden authorized limited strikes on Russian territory using American-made weapons. This decision came under pressure from advisors and key allies, The New York Times reported on May 31, citing unnamed White House officials.

The White House gave Ukraine the green light to carry out such strikes, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed the same day.

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