North Carolina Girl 'Feline' Fine After Cat Helps Pull Out Tooth

A North Carolina girl employed the help of the family cat to get rid of a troublesome loose tooth, with the successful removal being shared to Instagram.

Desiree Moffitt of Forsyth County told Storyful that her five-year-old daughter, Indra, “asked to have the cat pull out her tooth, so this was her idea.”

However, all did not initially go smoothly, after they tied some fishing line to the tooth, with the other end on a “small vest” the cat was wearing.

“We had three failed attempts prior,” Moffitt said. “I was not able to get the fishing line under the tooth. Finally, I succeeded and out popped her tooth. Honestly, the tooth was hanging by a thread.”

She said her daughter was “shocked because she assumed it would fail again.” Moffitt added that the hero cat’s name is Gramps “because it has one white whisker.” Credit: Desiree Moffitt via Storyful

Video transcript

- One, two. One, two.



- Damn.




- One, two. One, two.



- Damn.