Nora Danish denies statement about looking for a man of faith

1 Jul - Nora Danish recently denied having ever made a statement about looking for a more pious man if she is to marry again in the future.

The 42-year-old actress, whose marriage with Nedim Nazri had just officially ended late last month, said that she was surprised to read the headline of an article about it.

"When did I ever say that? I don't think it's appropriate for such an article to be published when I just had a divorce. I am still in my iddah and my ex-husband is hospitalised. Such an article would hurt various parties," she said.

Nora said that the article was published following a previous post that she shared on Instagram reels with her followers.

"I reposted it because I think it's sweet how a husband teaches his wife kindly. It really touched my heart and I wanted to share it with my followers. I think that's where people misunderstood my intention," she said.

Nora and ex-husband Nedim Nazri are parents to son Mohamed Neqayl
Nora and ex-husband Nedim Nazri are parents to son Mohamed Neqayl

Nora said that wanting to be with someone who can lead you to a good end is a dream of many people, but that she is not thinking about that for now.

"Let's just pray for good things for everybody," she said.

(Photo Source: Nora Danish IG)