No need to declare climate emergency in Malaysia just yet, says environment minister

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — Minister of Environment and Water Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said there was no need for the government to declare a climate emergency just yet, with the authorities having rolled out several initiatives to combat the effects of climate change.

Tuan Ibrahim said Malaysia has given its commitment to reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions without conditions as well as reaching net zero GHG emission as early as 2050.

"For the information of Yang Berhormat, based on the various programmes and initiatives being carried out by the country, the government is of the view that for now there is no need to declare a climate emergency.

"Nevertheless, the government will closely monitors all programmes or activities related to mitigation to ensure that there is no significant increase in temperatures," he told Dewan Rakyat today.

Among programmes and initiatives implemented so far include a 'carbon pricing' policy, which will be introduced phases, to support the country's efforts to reduce GHG emissions and achieve a renewable energy generation capacity of 31 per cent in 2025 and 40 per cent in 2035 for the national grid through the Malaysian Energy Transition Plan 2021-2040.

Apart from that, Tuan Ibrahim said Malaysia aims to implement a programme which will see 100 per cent of government vehicles go green by 2030 and maintain forested area coverage of above 50 per cent, which is in line with the country's commitment during the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.

He said Malaysia is also targeting to achieve the target of zero waste being sent to landfills through the waste-to-energy concept and increase the country's recycling rate to 40 per cent by 2025.

"For the coordination and implementation of the national climate change agenda, Kasa (Ministry of Environment and Water) has strengthened the governance of the country's climate change through the formation of the National Climate Change Action Council (MyCAC) which is chaired by the prime minister.

"Policy decisions related to climate change such as compliance with the country's climate change commitments at the international level will also be decided by the Cabinet which is also chaired by the prime minister,” he said.