NLB's first manga library pop-up features a Mr Kiasu robot concierge

Choose from over 5,000 titles and borrow quickly with Grab-n-Go service at City Square Mall

Entrance of Manga Library at City Square Mall (left) and Mr Kiasu robot concierge (Photos: National Library Board/Facebook)
Entrance of Manga Library at City Square Mall (left) and Mr Kiasu robot concierge (Photos: National Library Board/Facebook)

SINGAPORE - Manga fans can now check out the National Library Board's (NLB) first manga library, with over 5,000 titles available for loan or browsing.

The pop up library will run for six months at City Square Mall, Level 4, located at Farrer Park, until the end of August.

Visitors can look forward to borrowing popular titles such as Spy x Family (also a popular anime airing on Netflix), Dragon Ball Z, Assassin’s Creed: Blade Of Shao Jun and Pokémon Adventures (Red, Green and Blue), with nearly a fifth of the manga titles donated by Japanese publisher Shogakukan Asia.

Meanwhile, local comics which have been donated by local comic book collectors will also be available, such Mr Kiasu, Roti Kaya And Guyu, Bookworm Gang Adventures and The LKY Story.

Take note, though, if you were thinking of checking out some of these to read at home. Some rare local comic titles are not for browsing or borrowing.

First Grab-n-Go library in a mall and interactive robot concierge

Visitors can also look forward to interacting with the manga library’s concierge, a Mr Kiasu robot which, according to NLB's Facebook post, is able to recommend books and provide basic instructions on NLB's Grab-n-Go service.

The iconic Mr Kiasu was a staple of Singapore's local comic scene in the 90s, created by author and artist Johnny Lau.

According to The Straits Times, the robot was created in collaboration with local robotics company Dex-Lab.

Patrons can check in and out automatically by scanning their NRIC or NLB eCard.

Woman using Grab-n-go NLB scanner (Photo: National Library Board/Facebook)
Woman using Grab-n-Go NLB scanner (Photo: National Library Board/Facebook)

There is a borrowing limit of up to eight books at one go.

This launch is part of NLB’s LAB25 Learning Marketplace efforts to bring more reading, learning and discovery opportunities to everyone and everywhere.

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