Nintendo Switch 2’s official name may have leaked on YouTube — and I don't believe it

 Nintendo switch oledn handheld display.
Nintendo switch oledn handheld display.

Nintendo’s heavily rumored next-gen hardware is currently unannounced but it's typically referred to as the Nintendo Switch 2. It’s the most logical option after all, but a new leak via YouTube suggests that it could be launched with a different name.

Earlier this week a Reddit post on the /r/Gaming subreddit suggested that a YouTube survey had revealed the name of Nintendo’s follow-up to the best-selling Switch console.

The survey in question asks “Which of these gaming products would you consider buying?” with the four options being “PlayStation 5”, “Xbox Series X”, “Switch Attach” or “None of the above.”

Naturally, this has led to much online speculation that the popular video-sharing website had just inadvertently leaked the Switch 2’s official name as Switch Attach.

The image included in the Reddit post soon found its way onto X (formerly known as Twitter), with many gamers weighing in on the prospective name (Spoilers: Most people were not in favor of Attach).

However, this YouTube survey, while seemingly legitimate, should not be taken as concrete proof that Nintendo’s next console will be called Switch Attach.

A Reddit user named “zachtheperson” has claimed that YouTube regularly adds “made-up suggestions” to its surveys. Several other users also corroborated this also claiming to have seen surveys with “fake” products in them. So, this leak should be taken with a very significant grain of salt.

Nintendo would be foolish to adopt Attach

I’m not convinced by this latest Nintendo Switch 2 leak and really struggle to believe that Nintendo will name its next console Attach.

As pointed out by a colleague, the name Attach makes you think of an add-on, something that attaches to something else, rather than a completely separate product. So, it would be an odd choice for Nintendo’s next-generation hardware.

Even worse, a name like Switch Attach could lead to a Wii/Wii U situation, which saw many people mistakenly believe the Wii U was merely a tablet accessory for the Wii instead of an entirely new platform. Switch Attach could cause similar confusion.

At the very least, I'm please this rumored name retains the Switch moniker. After all, the Switch brand is extremely powerful. The moniker has entered the pop culture vernacular over the last seven years and is now synonymous with gaming. So, it would be unwise to abandon it after just a single console generation.

The Nintendo Switch passes what I call the “mom test”, essentially it's such a universally known product name that even my mom knows what it is! In my opinion, it's vital that whatever Nintendo calls its next console, the Switch name is retained. But I'd argue, a name like Switch Attach could muddy the waters, whereas the most obvious choice, Nintendo Switch 2, would make the distinction very clear.

For now, we’ll just have to cross our fingers that Nintendo finally goes on the record to discuss what’s next in the near future. The latest Nintendo Switch 2 rumors claim the console could be announced as soon as this month, but recent reports that its launch has been delayed into 2025 may have altered these plans.

Correction: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that the rumored Switch 2 name from the YouTube survey was "Nintendo Attach" rather than "Switch Attach". 

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