Newly married Ubai denies marital woe with Shila Amzah

26 Sep - Social media influencer Ubai has denied rumours that he and newly-wedded wife, Shila Amzah are getting a divorce after nearly two months of marriage.

The content creator, who was asked about the recent rumour, stated that it was Shila who first saw the post about their supposed divorce, and told him about it.

"I ignored it at first because you can't avoid these things. Slander goes rampant nowadays. But then people began to ask me about it, when nothing of that sort even occurred," he said.

Ubai stressed that he and Shila are living happily as husband and wife, and that he has enjoyed getting to know Shila more intimately since their marriage.

However, he admitted to feeling frustrated over some bloggers writing untrue stories about them and using sensational headlines to attract readers.

"Just because you want some sensational headlines, you eventually let people make up slander and say bad things about other people's lives," he added.

Ubai and Shila tied the knot back in early August, not long after they started dating. This is Shila's second marriage, following her divorce from Haris Idraki Elias in 2022.

The couple tied the knot in early August
The couple tied the knot in early August

(Photo Source: Shila Amzah IG,Ubai IG)