National Art Gallery unveils new digital exhibition expressing the beauty of Rukun Negara

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 17 — Everyone remembers reciting the Rukun Negara back in their younger days but no one has seen them expressed quite like this.

A new digital art installation in National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur is set to show Malaysians the ‘beautiful soul’ of the Rukun Negara.

ATMA KIRANA is an installation that uses 100 reused LED panels to display five unique flower motifs based on the five principles of Rukun Negara.

They are Faith (Percaya), Loyalty (Setia), Good Governance (Luhur), Rules of Law (Adil) and Kindness (Baik).

The title itself means ‘beautiful soul’ in ancient Malay and Sanskrit languages, hoping that visitors will feel the importance of the Rukun Negara’s guiding principles.

The 100 LED panels, purposely suspended in mid-air, will showcase a blend of colours and light that will highlight the diversity of Malaysia.

The exhibition is free and will be open till October 30 in conjunction with Malaysia Day.

“The forefathers behind these principles had never sought for any form of validation. The least we can do is to appreciate the oath they had designed for this country,” artist Abdul Shakir said in a statement.

“I do wish to create conversations revolving this topic and at the same time, showcase my work.

“It is interesting to see the limitations of how far you can go with digital art in general, and I have always tried to have the balance.”

Digital artist Abdul Shakir used 100 recycled LED panels to create an intricate art piece. — Picture by Moses Tan and Hector Lau
Digital artist Abdul Shakir used 100 recycled LED panels to create an intricate art piece. — Picture by Moses Tan and Hector Lau

Digital artist Abdul Shakir used 100 recycled LED panels to create an intricate art piece. — Picture by Moses Tan and Hector Lau

The digital artist who’s also known as Grasshopper had always wanted to connect digital art to a physical space to give visitors an immersive experience.

The LED panels used were once billboards in the city, a promise to use sustainable design methods to add value to Kuala Lumpur’s cultural capital.

He hopes ATMA KIRANA allows visitors to foster unity and togetherness, fusing new digital technology with traditional patterns and designs of the past.

For more information, visit