Nancy Wu, Bosco Wong reunite after "Coffee Cat Mama"



16 Mar – After working together previously in the 2014 drama, "Coffee Cat Mama", Nancy Wu and Bosco Wong stated that collaborating again in "Mission Run" made them realise how long it has been since the previous drama.

Bosco, who sat down for an interview alongside Nancy and another co-star Vincent Wong recently, stated that they felt that they have matured greatly since their "Coffee Cat Mama" days.

"I think it is the spark of our friendship produced for many years that made it easy for us. We didn't need any special way to cultivate the feelings. And the addition of Ron Ng and Mandy Wong also made it even more fun," he said.

Nancy recalled that the first time she collaborated with Bosco and Ron was in "Triumph in the Skies" and that everybody was acting childish and laughing from time to time.

"This time, the drama has a more serious plot, with a completely different aura and feeling," she said.

Asked if they still play and joke around on set before filming, Bosco said, "When everyone knows that there are heavy scenes to be filmed, everyone will naturally get into their zone, but when it's time to play, of course we will play."

Asked who was the most annoying, the stars laughed and unanimously said Ron Ng.

"He has unlimited strength. When everyone was tired after filming in the middle of the night, he would still be screaming on set," said Bosco with a laugh.


They are now starring in 'Mission Run'
They are now starring in 'Mission Run'


(Photo Source: Nancy Wu IG)