Naafiri's 5 best teammates in League of Legends

Naafiri is a rare champion that can dominate in two roles, but she still needs the right teammates around her to reach full potential.

Naafiri has been dominating the top and mid lanes, but she needs teammates to complement her strengths and weaknesses. (Photo: Riot Games)
Naafiri has been dominating the top and mid lanes, but she needs teammates to complement her strengths and weaknesses. (Photo: Riot Games)

The newest champion in League of Legends (LoL), Naafiri, is making waves like any new champion would, but she’s one of the game’s rarest gems to dominate two roles upon release.

The Hound of a Hundred Bites is currently the number one champion for both the top and mid lanes with a 52-55% win rate across the world, according to OP.GG.

We’ve already given tips on how to get the best out of this canine champion, but we all know that LoL is a team game.

To compliment Naafiri and unleash her power on the Summoner’s Rift, she needs to have the right teammates who can help bring the entire team to victory.

Naafiri is extremely weak in the early game, and because she lacks crowd-control skills, there is a tendency for the enemy team to focus on her when she dashes in.

She would need teammates that either have AoE abilities, crowd-control, or tankiness that can absorb damage from the enemy team.

The entire team composition should be focused around these, along with a bit of follow-up from a strong AD Carry in the bottom lane to help the Darkin champion close out kills.

With these in mind, here are five champions your team can use to amplify Naafiri’s power:


As a Support champion or a Jungler, Amumu has the necessary crowd-control skills, magic damage, and tankiness that can complement Naafiri. (Photo: Riot Games)
As a Support champion or a Jungler, Amumu has the necessary crowd-control skills, magic damage, and tankiness that can complement Naafiri. (Photo: Riot Games)

Amumu is not exactly the strongest in the meta right now, but his kit synergises well with Naafiri. He's a great frontline attacker and crowd controller, and he can dish out consistent damage over time.

With Amumu in the jungle or as a support champion, he can reliably protect Naafiri in the early game and execute ganks since he can absorb damage and harass enemy champions.

As the canine champion scales, the Sad Mummy can use Bandage Toss (Q) to stun and move toward the enemy, to which Naafiri can follow through with her skill combinations, beginning with her Q to inflict the bleed effect on the target, before dealing more damage with her W and E.

In teamfights, Amumu is also great at turning the tides with his ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, which applies a curse on the surrounding enemy, damaging and stunning them. With all the enemies stunned for a couple of seconds, Naafiri can safely dash into the middle of the enemy team and eviscerate all of them.


Many of Sejuani's skills can be easily exploited by Naafiri. With enemy champions constantly locked by Sejuani in place, Naafiri can easily deal a burst of physical damage to them. (Photo: Riot Games)
Many of Sejuani's skills can be easily exploited by Naafiri. With enemy champions constantly locked by Sejuani in place, Naafiri can easily deal a burst of physical damage to them. (Photo: Riot Games)

Another great combination is the Naafiri-Sejuani mid-jungle duo. Sejuani’s passive that temporarily stuns foes can be exploited by Naafiri multiple times, allowing her to dash in the middle of the enemy without fear of being focused on.

On top of this, Naafiri's massive burst and Sejuani's oppressive crowd control make for a devastating combination that can make enemy laners vanish if the gank is pulled off properly.


Leona is an ideal support champion to add to a team with Naafiri in it, because she can execute ganks and be a damage absorber for the squishy Darkin Assassin.(Photo: Riot Games)
Leona is an ideal support champion to add to a team with Naafiri in it, because she can execute ganks and be a damage absorber for the squishy Darkin Assassin.(Photo: Riot Games)

Any tank support with decent cc would go well with the Hound of a Hundred Bites but we think Leona would be one of the better picks to add to a team with Naafiri playing top or mid.

Because she’s such a tanky champion, she can easily roam in the early game to help out Naafiri in either the top or mid lane. Leona has massive ganking potential with both her E (Zenith Blade) and her R (Solar Flare).

With the ability to gank and engage enemies, Leona can easily set up an ambush or a deadly combination against the enemy, with Naafiri being the main damage dealer.

On top of her cc skills, she’s also so tanky that she can soak up all the damage for Naafiri and deal additional magic damage to complement Naafiri’s physical damage. And given all of the skills and attributes above, Leona can likely help the Darkin champion out of a sticky situation.


Fiddlesticks is one of the strongest junglers in the current meta, and his kit also complements Naafiri's gameplay. (Photo: Riot Games)
Fiddlesticks is one of the strongest junglers in the current meta, and his kit also complements Naafiri's gameplay. (Photo: Riot Games)

One of the strongest junglers in the current meta right now is Fiddlesticks, with a 52.17% win rate and ranked fifth strongest according to OP.GG.

The good news is Fiddlesticks is also an ideal champion to bring along Naafiri. With multiple AoE spells and crowd control skills, the Ancient Fear can slow down enemies for the canine champion to chase.

His Q (Terrify) is also a good way to briefly dispel enemies from executing skills and he also deals a sizeable amount of magic damage, especially with his W (Bountiful Harvest), which drains health from nearby enemies.


High risk, high reward: With two assassins in the team, one of you is surely able to survive. And as Nocturne turns the lights out momentarily for the enemy team, Naafiri can unleash chaos and leave no enemy alive. (Photo: Riot Games)
High risk, high reward: With two assassins in the team, one of you is surely able to survive. And as Nocturne turns the lights out momentarily for the enemy team, Naafiri can unleash chaos and leave no enemy alive. (Photo: Riot Games)

Naafiri's all-ins can be difficult to survive from, but when combined with another assassin, the opposition is rendered useless. But not all assassins would work well with the Darkin champion.

Skirmishes are where Nocturne shines as an assassin thanks to his high base damage and ultimate, which makes players nearsighted. Because of this, he is a formidable champion for his team.

While he is an assassin and doesn’t have most of the skills the others have on this list, combining him with Naafiri can be a deadly combination.

You can set this duo up with Naafiri in the top or mid lane, where you can keep the minion wave closer to your end and toward the jungle. Here, Nocturne can easily gank with his Ultimate, and you can follow up with Naafiri’s Ultimate, and you'll both rack up plenty of kills.

There are still many others that you can try to team up with Naafiri, but as long as you remember to give her the necessary means to escape and have an overall balanced team composition, the Hound of a Hundred Bites can easily carry the game to victory. See you on the Summoner's Rift!

Anna is a freelance writer and photographer. She is a gamer who loves RPGs and platformers, and is a League of Legends geek. She's also a food enthusiast who loves a good cup of black coffee.

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