Musa Aman shows up on BN campaign trail, moots Rahman Dahlan as DPM potential

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KOTA KINABALU, Nov 12 — Former chief minister Tan Sri Musa Aman has emerged on the campaign trail, stumping for Kota Belud MP hopeful Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan as a good elected representative and potential deputy prime minister candidate.

Musa, who is not contesting any seat this GE15, showed up for Rahman Dahlan in Usukan, Kota Belud yesterday and said that the latter would be a good pick as deputy prime minister should Barisan Nasional win and decide to make good on its offer of a Sabahan for the second top post in the country.

“I believe he (Rahman) fulfils the criteria to hold such a significant post within the ranks of the federal government and the right person to represent the collective voices of Sabahans,” he was quoted saying by Berita Harian.

Musa, recalling BN chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s proposal that there be three deputy prime ministers from Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak if BN wins this GE15, said that Rahman, had enough experience as a two-term MP, helmed the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Ministry and was minister in charge of the Economic Planning Unit.

He said that his years working in Putrajaya allowed Rahman to bring development to Kota Belud such as the housing programme in Ulu Pirasan, the upgrading of the district’s Fire and Rescue Centre, the main Kota Belud Square and the People Bazaar.

Musa said that although he was voted out as Kota Belud MP after GE14, Rahman had been working on the ground and pushing for more socio-economic development in the area.

“Rahman is not only a party loyalist but abided by the leadership’s decisions, agreeing to contest Sepanggar in the previous election even though it was not his first choice.

“We all know this was a sad day for him, but he accepted the decision and gave way to Datuk Salleh Said Keruak to stand in Kota Belud. Unfortunately, both Rahman and Salleh lost the BN seats in Sepanggar and Kota Belud respectively,” he said.

Musa has been keeping a low profile since dropping out of the political limelight in 2020 after the state polls, but still moves around political circles.

It was speculated that he was eyeing a comeback via the Libaran parliamentary seat this GE15, but state BN chairman Datuk Bung Moktar Radin said Musa had not indicated his desire to contest to the state leadership.

Rahman is contesting the Kota Belud seat again, going against incumbent Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis from Parti Warisan, and Pakatan Harapan’s Modily@Bangali.