A Missouri mom gave her son's babysitter a list of chores and people are weighing in

  • A Missouri mother's December 2023 TikTok has gained 1.5 million views.

  • She gave her son's babysitter an optional-chore list that offered additional pay for each task.

  • People shared their opinions of the chore list online, with some applauding the mother's idea.

A Missouri mother offered her son's babysitter a chore list, prompting people to weigh in online.

Katrina Ivan, a teacher and small-business owner, sparked the discussion with a TikTok in December 2023. Ivan wrote in the slideshow that she left a note for her babysitter listing optional chores and various payments for completing them.

Screenshot of mother's TikTok video sharing chore list for babysitter.
A screenshot of the TikTok.kivankc/TikTok

"You are more than welcome to hang out + watch TV all night, but if you want to make some extra $, these jobs are up for grabs," the note reads.


It then listed different tasks, including $3 to vacuum the couch, $10 to organize her son's toys, and $15 to clean the refrigerator.

"If my sitter decides to do this, I'll be forever grateful. If not, I'll get to it later like I alreadg had planned," Ivan wrote in the caption.

The video has gained 1.5 million views and more than 1,700 comments, most of which applaud Ivan's idea.

"I think this is a great opportunity for your babysitter. You're giving a choice, and I love that," one person wrote.

Another added: "As a babysitter I would have loved that. A lot of times I did a ton of clean up anyway. This would make me feel super valued by the family!"

But some TikTok users argued that Ivan didn't compensate the babysitter fairly.

"I think $10 is too cheap for some of these tasks considering the amount of work/size of the mess," one person wrote.

Ivan went on to share several follow-up videos addressing questions and suggestions. In one video, Ivan said she paid the babysitter — a local high-school student — $75 to watch her son for four hours. Ivan added that her son was already asleep when the babysitter arrived.


"She did the stuff while he was sleeping, and it was a choice," Ivan said. "She didn't decide to do all of it, and that's fine."

She then provided a breakdown of the babysitter's final payment, saying the girl received $115 for watching her son and completing four $10 tasks. In the end, the babysitter made $28.75 an hour.

"She loved this idea," Ivan said of the babysitter. "Within 10 minutes of being gone, I saw my Ring doorbell go off, and she was outside cleaning the windows. So, she liked the opportunity and she was grateful."

Ivan told BI in a message on TikTok that she thinks the optional-chore list might become the "new norm."

"The response has been overwhelming," Ivan said. "Moms have loved the idea and I think this will be the new norm."

Read the original article on Business Insider