Mila Jirin to release first single written by Amylea Azizan

31 Jan – Mila Jirin recently revealed that she has already received a greenlight from husband Isz Mustapha to restart her singing career.

The singer, who became the first female contestant to win "Akademi Fantasia" back in 2007, shared that she will be going to the recording studio for her new single, which is composed and written by Amylea Azizan.

It is noted that Amylea is also an alumna of the reality show, and held her reception recently at the wedding hall owned by Mila's company.

Amylea and husband Ash held their wedding reception at Bizmilla wedding hall
Amylea and husband Ash held their wedding reception at Bizmilla wedding hall

As to what prompted her decision to return, Mila said that fans had been asking her for a comeback.

"My husband didn't let me sing in the past because we were working on the business as well as the family. But now that our son is older and the company is doing well, it's time for me to return," she said.

(Photo Source: Amylea Azizan IG, Mila Jirin IG)