Metal Gear Solid 3 singer shoots down speculation about working on a remake

 Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid vocalist Donna Burke isn't working on a track for the rumored Metal Gear Solid 3 remake after all.

Over the past weekend, Metal Gear Solid fans picked up on the fact that Donna Burke, who has previously recorded tracks for multiple Metal Gear Solid games, was recording something to do with the 'Snake Eater' song. This led to speculation that Burke was recording the titular Snake Eater theme for the long-rumored Metal Gear Solid 3 remake.

Now though, Burke has taken to her personal Twitter account to quash those rumors. The vocalist might be recording the Snake Eater track that's used in Metal Gear Solid 3, but it's unfortunately for another project entirely and isn't related in any way to the rumored remake of the classic Konami game (which, for what it's worth, has never been confirmed by the developer).

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Additionally, composer Mason Leiberman shot down the rampant speculation in the tweet below. The responses to both Burke and Leiberman's tweets are full of disappointed Metal Gear Solid fans, both sad they might never get the rumored remake after all, and wary of Konami pulling some nonsense with the franchise and putting out another Pachinko game.

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It's a damn shame, but it's also a valuable lesson not to get your hopes up based on very little information. We're still sadly without a way to play either Metal Gear Solid 3 or 2 on modern consoles, after both games were delisted from storefronts over expired licenses back in late 2021. Last year, Konami said Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 would eventually "resume sales," but there's been no update on the situation since.

Check out our new games 2023 guide for a list of actual confirmed games that definitely will launch at some point later this year.